Publications are currently being organised and made available on this page. A searchable Publications Database has been constructed as well and is being extended functionally and content-wise.

Right now, this page enables the downloading of some 323 publications in .pdf format. The publications listed have been co-authored or, in some cases, co-edited, with approx. 260 colleagues over the years.


Publications are shown by year of publication, starting with the most recent ones.

Within each year, publications are organised and labelled in the order of: books - (Book), journal papers - (Journal paper), book chapters - (Book chapter), conference papers - (Conference paper), other papers - (Other paper), and, after a short dashed line (-----), project deliverables - (Project deliverable), and technical reports - (Technical report). Within each category, publications are organised alphabetically by author names.

Any corrections to the information provided on this page will be greatly appreciated.


Use this index to go to publications from a particular year.

2003 1995 1987 1978
2010 2002 1994 1986 1976
2009 2001 1993 1985 1974
2008 2000 1992 1984 1973
2007 1999 1991 1983 1972
2006 1998 1990 1982 1971
2005 1997 1989 1981 1970
2004 1996 1988 1980 1969

2010 [back to index]

Moustakas K, Dybkjær L, Aran O, Tzovaras D, Bernsen NO: Communication between blind and hearing-impaired people through a multimodal interactive game. IEEE Multimedia, to appear. (Journal paper)

2009 [back to index]

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Multimodal Usability. (Book - monograph) Springer Verlag, Human-Computer Interaction Series. Published October. 448 pp.

Moustakas K, Tzovaras D, Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: A modality replacement framework for the communication between blind and hearing-impaired people. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. San Diego, CA, USA, July 2009. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5616, 226-235. (Conference paper)

2008 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Multimodality theory. In Tzovaras D (ed): Multimodal User Interfaces. From Signals to Interaction. Springer Verlag, Signals and Communication Technology series, 5-29. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Modelling spoken multimodal instructional systems. In Luppicini R (ed): Handbook of Conversation Design for Instructional Applications. Information Science Reference. Hershey, New York 2008, 363-387. (Book chapter)

2007 [back to index]

Bernsen NO (Guest editor): Special Issue on Speech and Computer Vision. ACM Crossroads Student Journal 13/4, May 2007. (Book, edited)

Bernsen NO: Introduction to special issue on speech and computer vision. ACM Crossroads Student Journal 13/4, May 2007. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Annotation schemes for verbal and nonverbal communication. Some general issues. In Esposito A, Faundez-Zanuy M, Keller E, Marinaro M (eds): Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Behaviours. Selected and revised papers from COST Action 2102 International Workshop, Vietri sul Mare, Italy. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence vol. 4775, 11-22. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Minker W: Spoken dialogue systems evaluation. In Dybkjær L, Hemsen H, Minker W (eds): Evaluation of Text and Speech Systems. Springer Verlag, Text, Speech and Language Technology Series vol. 37, 187-219. (Book chapter)


Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Report on iterative testing of a multimodal usability and evaluation guide. European Network of Excellence SIMILAR Deliverable D98, October 2007. 119 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Iteration on multimodal usability book. European Network of Excellence SIMILAR Deliverable D100, October 2007. 8 pp. (Project deliverable)

2006 [back to index]

Bernsen NO (Chair), Ersbøll B, Granum E, Hansen JP, Jakobsen SE, Juul-Pedersen K, Leffland L, Olsen N, Wellejus A: Ny Teknologi -> Nye Oplevelser = En Vej til Vækst. Copenhagen: Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber. 97 pp. (Book, monograph)

Martin J-C, Buisine S, Pitel G, Bernsen NO Fusion of children's speech and 2D gestures when conversing with 3D characters. In Dutoit T, Nigay L, Schnaider M (eds): Multimodal Human-Computer Interfaces. Special Issue of Signal Processing (Elsevier) 86/12, December 2006, 3596-3624. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO: Speech and 2D deictic gesture reference to virtual scenes. In André E, Dybkjær L, Minker W, Neumann H, Weber M (eds): Perception and Interactive Technologies. Proceedings of the international tutorial and research workshop PIT06, Kloster Irsee, Germany, June. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence vol. 4021, 2006, 129-140. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kiilerich S: H. C. Andersen conversation corpus. In Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2006, Genova, Italy, May, 505-510. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Hansen TK, Kiilerich S, Madsen TK: Field evaluation of a single-word pronunciation training system. In Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2006, Genova, Italy, May, 2068-2073. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Face-to-face conversation with first-generation ancestors. Current reality and future prospects. 25 pp. (Unpublished)


Bernsen NO, Hansen TK, Kiilerich S, Madsen TK: Evaluation of the Danish pronunciation training system. In Dybkjær L (ed): Bernsen NO, Correa P, Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L, Gómez EJ, Hansen T, Kiilerich S, Lamata de la Orden P, Macq B, Madsen TK, Nedel LP, Nikolakis G, Paternò F, Piruzza A, Rodríguez S, Santoro C, Trevisan DG, Tzovaras D, Vanderdonckt J: An exploration of selected challenges in usability evaluation of multimodal and natural interactive systems. European Network of Excellence SIMILAR Deliverable D69. 88 pp. NISLab, January 2006, 11-38. (Project deliverable)

2005 [back to index]

van Kuppevelt J, Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO (eds): Advances in Natural Multimodal Dialogue Systems. Springer Verlag, Text, Speech and Language Technology Series vol. 30. 373 pp. (Book, edited)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Building usable multimodal and natural interactive systems. In Daussogne S, Macq B (eds): SIMILAR Dreams - Multimodal Interfaces in Our Future Life. Presses Universitaires de Louvain, Belgium, 2005, 77-105. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Natural and multimodal interactivity engineering - directions and needs. In van Kuppevelt J, Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO (eds): Advances in Natural Multimodal Dialogue Systems. Springer Verlag, Text, Speech and Language Technology Series, vol. 30, 2005, 1-19. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Enhancing the usability of multimodal virtual co-drivers. In Minker W, Bühler D, Dybkjær L (eds): Spoken Multimodal Human-Computer Dialogue in Mobile Environments. Springer Verlag, Text, Speech and Language Technology Series vol. 28, 2005, 269-285. (Book chapter)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Minker W: Overview of evaluation and usability. In Minker W, Bühler D, Dybkjær L (eds): Spoken Multimodal Human-Computer Dialogue in Mobile Environments. Springer Verlag, Text, Speech and Language Technology Series vol. 28, 2005, 221-246. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Meet Hans Christian Andersen. Proceedings of the 6th SIGdial workshop on discourse and dialogue. Lisbon, Portugal 2005: 237-241. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: User interview-based progress evaluation of two successive conversational agent prototypes. In Maybury M, Stock O, Wahlster W (eds): Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment, INTETAIN, Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, November-December. Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3814, 2005, 220-224. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Comparative user evaluation of conversational agent H. C. Andersen. In Kokkinakis G, Fakotakis N, Dermatas E, Potapova R (eds): Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM), University of Patras, Patras, Greece, October 2005. University of Patras and Moscow State Linguistics University vol. 1, 211-214, 2005. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: User evaluation of conversational agent H. C. Andersen. In CD Proceedings of Interspeech, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005. (Conference paper)

Buisine S, Martin J-C, Bernsen NO: Children's gestures and speech in conversation with 3D characters. In CD Proceedings of HCI International 2005, 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 2005. (Conference paper)

Corradini A, Mehta M, Bernsen NO: Multimodal output generation for an interactive conversational character. In CD Proceedings of HCI International 2005, 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 2005. (Conference paper)

Corradini A, Mehta M, Bernsen NO, Charfuelàn M: Animating an interactive conversational character for an educational game system. In Riedl J, Jameson A, Billsus D, Lau T (eds): Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), San Diego, CA, USA, 2005. New York: ACM Press 2005, 183-190. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H: Usability evaluation issues in commercial and research systems. In CD-proceedings of the ISCA tutorial and research workshop and COST278 final workshop on applied spoken language interaction in distributed environments (ASIDE). Aalborg University, Denmark, November 2005. (Conference paper)


Aguilera EJG, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Hernandez PC, Lamata de la Orden P, Macq B, Nikolakis G, Paternò F, Santoro C, Trevisan DG, Tzovaras D, Vanderdonckt J: Current practice description and evaluation: Towards a framework for usability evaluation. European Network of Excellence SIMILAR Deliverable D18, NISLab, University of Southern Denmark, August, 2005. 36 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L (eds): Bell L, Bernsen NO, Blasig R, Boye J, Buisine S, Charfuelàn M, Corradini A, Dybkjær L, Gustafson J, Heldner M, Hemsen H, Lindström A, Martin J-C, Mehta M, Wirén M: Evaluation of the second NICE prototype. European Research Project NICE Deliverable D7.2-2. Odense: NISLab, University of Southern Denmark, May 2005. 99 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Hansen TK, Kiilerich S, Madsen TK: Evaluering af taletræner for dansk. Første evaluering baseret på feltdata indhentet fra træningssteder december 2004 – primo maj 2005. NISLab deliverable, Flygtninge- og Indvandrerministeriets Udtaletrænerprojekt. NISLab, 31.5.2005. 28 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Kiilerich S (eds), the NICE Team: Final report from the NICE project. European Research Project NICE Deliverable D9.3. Odense: NISLab, University of Southern Denmark, May 2005. 29 pp. (Project deliverable)

2004 [back to index]

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Building usable spoken dialogue systems. Some approaches. Sprache und Datenverarbeitung (SDV), International Journal of Language Data Processing, vol. 28, No. 2, 2004, 111-131. (Journal paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Minker W: Evaluation and usability of multimodal spoken language dialogue systems. Speech Communication, Elsevier, Vol 43, 2004, 33-54. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO: Measuring relative target user group success in spoken conversation for edutainment. In Martin J-C et al. (eds): Proceedings of the LREC 2004 Satellite Workshop on Multimodal Corpora: Models of Human Behaviour for the Specification and Evaluation of Multimodal Input and Output Interfaces. Lisbon, Portugal, 25 May 2004. Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 17-20. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Charfuelàn M, Corradini A, Dybkjær L, Hansen T, Kiilerich S, Kolodnytsky M, Kupkin D, Mehta M: Conversational H. C. Andersen. First prototype description. In André E, Dybkjær L, Minker W, Heisterkamp P (eds): Proceedings of the tutorial and research workshop on affective dialogue systems (ADS04), Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 2004. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence vol. 3068, 305-308. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Charfuelàn M, Corradini A, Dybkjær L, Hansen T, Kiilerich S, Kolodnytsky M, Kupkin D, Mehta M: First prototype of conversational H.C. Andersen. In Costabile MF (ed): Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2004), Gallipoli, Italy, May 2004. New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 458-461. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Domain-oriented conversation with H.C. Andersen. In André E, Dybkjær L, Minker W, Heisterkamp P (eds): Proceedings of the tutorial and research workshop on affective dialogue systems (ADS04), Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 2004. Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence vol. 3068, 142-153. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Evaluation of spoken multimodal conversation. Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2004, Pennsylvania, USA, October 2004. New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2004, 38-45. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Structured interview-based evaluation of spoken multimodal conversation with H.C. Andersen. Proceedings of The International Conference for Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2004, South Korea, October 2004. International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) 2004, vol. 1, 277-280. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Managing domain-oriented spoken conversation. In Pelachaud C, Ruttkay Z, Thorisson K (eds): Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AMAAS), Conference Workshop on Embodied Conversational Agents: Balanced Perception and Action, New York, USA, July 2004, 9-17. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kiilerich S: Evaluating conversation with Hans Christian Andersen. In Lino MT et al. (eds): Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), Lisbon, Portugal, May 2004. Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), vol. 3, 1011-1014. (Conference paper)

Corradini A, Bernsen NO, Fredriksson M, Johanneson L, Königsmann J, Mehta M: Towards believable behavior generation for embodied conversational agents. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2004), Workshop on Interactive Visualisation and Interaction Technologies, Krakow, Poland, June 2004. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3038, 2004, 946-953. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Towards general-purpose annotation tools - how far are we today? In Lino MT et al. (eds): Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'04), Lisbon, Portugal, 2004. Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), vol. 1, 197-200. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Recommendations for natural interactivity and multimodal annotation schemes. In Martin J-C et al. (eds): Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), Satellite Workshop on Multimodal Corpora: Models of Human Behaviour for the Specification and Evaluation of Multimodal Input and Output Interfaces. Lisbon, Portugal, May 2004. Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 5-8. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Minker W: New challenges in usability evaluation. Beyond task-oriented spoken dialogue systems. Proceedings of The International Conference for Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2004, South Korea, October 2004. International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) 2004, vol. 3, 2261-2264. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Minker W: Usability evaluation of multimodal and domain-oriented spoken language dialogue systems. In Lino MT et al. (eds): Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'04), Lisbon, Portugal, May 2004. Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), vol. 5, 1695-1698. (Conference paper)

Kolodnytsky M, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: A visual interface for a multimodal interactivity annotation tool. Design issues and implementation solutions. In Costabile MF (ed): Proceedings of the Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2004), Gallipoli, Italy, May 2004. New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 407-410. (Conference paper)


Aguilera EJG, Bernsen NO, Berti S, Bescos SR, Dybkjær L, Gemo M, Hernandez PC, Lamata de la Orden P, Macq B, Marichal X, Nicolas V, Nikolakis G, Paternò F, Santoro C, Strintzis MG, Trevisan DG, Tzovaras D, Vanderdonckt J: Descriptions of SIMILAR applications. European Network of Excellence SIMILAR Deliverable D17, NISLab, University of Southern Denmark, October, 2004. 71 pp. (Project deliverable)

Aguilera EJG, Bernsen NO, Bescos SR, Dybkjær L, Fanard FX, Hernandez PC, Lamata de la Orden P, Macq B, Martin O, Nikolakis G, Paternò F, Santoro C, Trevisan DG, Tzovaras D, Vanderdonckt J: Usability evaluation issues in natural interactive and multimodal systems - state of the art and current practice. European Network of Excellence SIMILAR Deliverable D16, NISLab, University of Southern Denmark, December, 2004. 60 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: Speech recognition and synthesis, natural language understanding robustness. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE NISLab Extra Deliverable. NISLab, Denmark: September 2004. 15 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Charfuelàn M, Corradini A, Mehta M: Second prototype version of conversation management and response planning for H.C. Andersen. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D5.2a. NISLab, Denmark,October 2004. 23 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO with contributions from Charfuelàn M, Dybkjær L, Kaushik A, Kolodnytsky M, Mehta M: Analysis and representation of domain information, personality information and conversation behaviour for H.C. Andersen in the second prototype. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D1.2-2a. NISLab, Denmark: November 2004. 29 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Evaluation of the first NICE HCA prototype. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D7.2a. NISLab, Denmark: April 2004. 30 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Description of the NICE Hans Christian Andersen system. European Network of Excellence SIMILAR Deliverable. NISLab, Denmark, June 2004, 13 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kiilerich S: NISLab’s collection and analysis of multimodal speech and gesture data in an edutainment application. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D2.2a. NISLab, Denmark: April 2004. 30 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky M: MUMIN coding schemes for the NITE WorkBench. Nordic Research Project MUMIN Report. NISLab, June 2004. 9 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, the NISLab NICE team: Requirements and design specification for domain information, personality information and dialogue behaviour for the second NICE HCA prototype. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D1.1-2a. NISLab, Denmark: April 2004. 16 pp. (Project deliverable)

Hansen TK, Bernsen NO: Pronunciation trainer status. Danish Pronunciation Trainer Research Project Deliverable. NISLab, June 2004. 13 pp. (Project deliverable)

Hansen TK, Bernsen NO, Gregersen K: Brugervejledning til udtaletræneren. Danish Pronunciation Trainer Research Project Deliverable. NISLab, December 2004. 15 pp. (Project deliverable)

Martin J-C (ed), Corradini A, Bernsen NO: Multimodal output generation module for the second prototype of H.C. Andersen. NICE Deliverable D3.7-2a. LIMSI-CNRS, Paris, 22 December 2004. 13 pp. (Project deliverable)

Martin J-C, Pitel G, Buisine S, Bernsen NO: Gesture interpretation module. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D3.4-2. LIMSI-CNRS, Paris, 25 November 2004. 28 pp. (Project deliverabl>e)

Martin J-C, Pitel G, Buisine S, Bernsen NO, Boye J, Gustafson J: Multimodal input understanding module for the second prototype. NICE Deliverable D3.6-2. LIMSI-CNRS, Paris, 15 December 2004. 31 pp. (Project deliverable)

Mehta M, Corradini A, Bernsen NO: English natural language understanding module. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D3.5-2a. NISLab, Denmark: 18 November 2004. 13 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: HCA PT2 generic input ontology. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: December 2004. 35 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: NICE wizard of Oz-2 analysis. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: February 2004. 100 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: PT2 conversation mechanisms. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: February 2004. 14 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: NICE HCA PT2 requirements specification. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: February 2004. 9 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: PT2 greetings domain. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: November 2004. 7 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: PT2 life domain ontology. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: November 2004. 30 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: NICE HCA first prototype. User test report. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: February 2004. 46 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: User test interviews. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: February 2004. 42 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kiilerich S: Report on the second H.C. Andersen wizard of Oz simulation. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: February 2004. 95 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Kiilerich S: PT2 HCA and study domains. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: December 2004. 30 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Kiilerich S: PT2 user domain ontology. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: December 2004. 15 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Kiilerich S: PT2 general-purpose input. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: September 2004. 10 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Kupkin D: PT2 speech recogniser. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: September 2004. 205 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Mehta M: PT2 frame-based querying. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: September 2004. 16 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Mehta M: PT2 Cmover test. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: September 2004. 30 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Mehta M: PT2 context-free input. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: September 2004. 60 pp. (Technical report)

Mehta M, Bernsen NO: PT2 NLU semantics. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: September 2004. 10 pp. (Technical report)

2003 [back to index]

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky M: An interface for annotating natural interactivity. In van Kuppevelt J, Smith RW (eds): Current and New Directions in Discourse and Dialogue. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers 2003, 35-62. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO: On-line user modelling in a mobile spoken dialogue system. Bourlard H (ed): Proceedings of Eurospeech 2003, 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2003. Bonn: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), 2003, vol. I, 737-740. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: When H. C. Andersen is not talking back. In Rist T, Aylet R, Ballin D, Rickel J (eds): Proceedings of the Fourth International Working Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2003), Kloster Irsee, Germany, September 2003. Springer Verlag 2003, 27-30. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: User modelling in the car. In Brusilovsky P, Corbett A, de Rosis F (eds): Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on User Modelling (UM2003), Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA, 2003. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence vol. 2702, 2003, 378-382. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky M: The NITE Workbench for annotating natural interactive behaviour. In Paggio P, Jokinen K, Jönsson A (eds): Proceedings of the First Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication, Elsinore, Denmark, September 2003. CST, Copenhagen: Report 6, September 2003, 155-168. (Conference paper)

Charfuelàn C, Bernsen NO: A task and dialogue model independent dialogue manager. In Angelova G, Bontcheva K, Mitkov R, Nicolov N, Nikolov N (eds): Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP-2003), Borovets, Bulgaria, September 2003. INCOMA, Shoumen, Bulgaria 2003, 91-97. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: Release notes. 2nd release of NITE WorkBench for Windows, 1 July 2003. NISLab, June 2003, 3 pp. (Other paper)


Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Best practice in natural and multimodal interactivity engineering. European Human Language Technologies Project CLASS Deliverable D1.5 + 1.6. NISLab, Denmark: February 2003. 27 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: First prototype version of conversation management and response planning for H.C. Andersen. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D5.1a. NISLab, Denmark, October 2003. 20 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Workshops on natural and multimodal interactivity. European Human Language Technologies Project CLASS Deliverable D1.4. NISLab, Denmark: February 2003. 10 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: NITE final report. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NITE Deliverable D6.3. NISLab, Denmark: October 2003. 37 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky M: Analysis and representation of domain information, personality information and conversation behaviour for H.C. Andersen in the first prototype. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D1.2a. NISLab, Denmark, October 2003. 26 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky M: NITE Workbench development plan. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NITE Deliverable. NISLab, Denmark: April 2003. 8 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Kolodnytsky M, Kupkin D: NITE Workbench for Windows documentation. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NITE Deliverable D3.3a. NISLab, Denmark: September 2003. 34 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Mehta M: Natural interactivity. Report on emerging market opportunities. European Human Language Technologies Project CLASS Deliverable D1.7. NISLab, Denmark: February 2003. 32 pages. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L (ed), Bernsen NO, Blasig R, Boye J, Buisine S, Fredriksson M, Gustafson J, Lindström A, Martin J-C, Wirén M: Evaluation criteria and evaluation plan. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D7.1. NISLab, Denmark: March 2003. 28 pages. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Broeder D, Wittenburg P: Introduction to and summary of the final natural interactive and multimodal WG guidelines. US National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies Project US National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies Project ISLE Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Working Group Deliverable D7.1. NISLab, Denmark: February 2003. 17 pages. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO (eds), Knudsen MW, Llisterri J, Machuca M, Martin J-C, Pelachaud C, Riera M, Wittenburg P: Guidelines for the creation of natural interactive and multimodal annotation schemes. US National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies Project US National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies Project ISLE Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Working Group Deliverable D9.2. NISLab, Denmark: February 2003. 36 pages. (Project deliverable)

Knudsen MW, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Hansen TK, Mapelli V, Martin J-C, Paulsson N, Pelachaud C, Wittenburg P: Guidelines for the creation of natural interactive and multimodal data resources. US National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies Project US National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies Project ISLE Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Working Group Deliverable D8.2. NISLab, Denmark: February 2003. 50 pages. (Project deliverable)

Martin J-C (ed), Abrilian S, Bernsen NO, Boye J, Corradini A, Gustafson J, Mehta M, Fredriksson M, Buisine S: Multimodal input understanding module for the first prototype. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D3.6. LIMSI, France, October 2003. 26 pages. (Project deliverable)

Martin J-C (ed), Bernsen NO, Blasig R, Boye J, Buisine S, Dybkjær L, Fredriksson M, Généreux M, Gustafson J, Lindahl U, Mehta M: Analysis and specification of cooperation between input modalities and cooperation between output modalities. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D3.3. LIMSI, France: March 2003. 42 pages. (Project deliverable)

Martin J-C (ed), Bernsen NO, Boye J, Corradini A, Gustafson J, Mehta M, Fredriksson M, Wirén M: Multimodal output generation module for the first prototype. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D3.7. LIMSI, France, October 2003. 26 pages. (Project deliverable)

Charfuelàn M, Corradini A, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky M, Kupkin D, Bernsen NO: First integrated NICE Hans Christian Andersen prototype. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable. NISLab, 15.12.03. (Project deliverable, software)

Charfuelàn M, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky M, Kupkin D, Kurdi MZ, Bernsen NO: Final VICO natural language understanding, dialogue management, and response generation prototype. Integrated with CORBA into the full VICO system. European Human Language Technologies Research Project European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Deliverable. February 2003. (Project deliverable, software)

Kolodnytsky M, Charfuelàn M, Dybkjær L, Kupkin D, Bernsen NO: Third NITE Workbench for Windows prototype, NWB3 Public Release. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NITE Deliverable. 31 August 2003. (Project deliverable, software)

Bernsen NO: HCA knowledge base specification. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: September 2003. 12 pages. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: HCA emotion processing specification. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: September 2003. 8 pages. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: Analysis of Andersen gesture input for PT1. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark, November 2003. 11 pages. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Charfuelàn M, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky M, Kupkin D: NITE Workbench. New design specification. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: June 2003. 37 pages. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: HCA domain agent specification. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark, November 2003. 13 pages. (Technical report)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Domain agent use cases. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark, November 2003. 14 pages. (Technical report)

Kiilerich S, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: NICE PT1 output for all domains. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark, November 2003. 42 pages. (Technical report)

2002 [back to index]

van Kuppevelt J, Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO (eds): Proceedings of the International CLASS Workshop on Natural, Intelligent and Effective Interaction in Multimodal Dialogue Systems. Copenhagen, Denmark, June, 2002. Odense: NISLab 2002. 158 pp. (Book, proceedings)

Bernsen NO: Multimodality in language and speech systems - from theory to design support tool. In Granström B, House D, Karlsson I (eds): Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht: 93-148. (Book chapter)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: The dialogue engineering life-cycle. In Pajusalu R, Hennoste T (eds): Catcher of the Meaning. A Festschrift for Professor Haldur Õim on the occasion of his 60th birthday. University of Tartu: Publications of the Department of General Linguistics 3, 2002, 103-125. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO: Speech-related technologies. Where will the field go in 10 years? In Proceedings of the Machine Translation Roadmap Workshop (TMI-2002), Keihanna, Japan, 2002. Utrecht: The European Language and Speech Network (ELSNET), 2002, 29-47. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: A multimodal virtual co-driver's problems with the driver. In Dybkjær L, André E, Minker W, Heisterkamp P (eds): CD-ROM Proceedings of the ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW) on Spoken Dialogue in Mobile Environments, Kloster Irsee, Germany. Bonn, Germany: International Speech Communication Association 2002. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky M: The NITE Workbench. A tool for annotation of natural interactivity and multimodal data. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'02), Las Palmas, Canary Islands, 2002, 43-49. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Data, annotation schemes and coding tools for natural interactivity. Proceedings of the International Conference for Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2002, Denver, CO, USA, 2002, 217-220. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Data resources and annotation schemes for natural interactivity: Purposes and needs. Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimodal Resources and Multimodal Systems Evaluation, adjacent to the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002), Las Palmas, Canary Islands, 2002, 1-7. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Natural interactivity resources. Data, annotation schemes and tools. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002), Las Palmas, Canary Islands, 2002, 349-356. (Conference paper)

Soria C, Bernsen NO, Cadée N, Carletta J, Dybkjær L, Evert S, Heid U, Isard A, Kolodnytsky M, Lauer C, Lezius W, Noldus LPJJ, Pirrelli V, Reithinger N, Vögele A: Advanced tools for the study of natural interactivity. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002), Las Palmas, Canary Islands, 2002, 357-363. (Conference paper)


Bernsen NO: Report on user clusters and characteristics. European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Deliverable D10. NISLab, Denmark: August 2002, 28 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO (ed), Berton A, Charfuelàn M, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky M, Kupkin D, Kurdi MZ: Progress report on the natural language understanding, dialogue management, response generation, and speech synthesis components. European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Deliverable D11, NISLab, Denmark: November 2002, 76 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO (ed), Boye J, Kiilerich S, Lindahl U: Requirements and design specification for domain information, personality information and dialogue behaviour for the first NICE prototype. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D1.1. NISLab, Denmark: September 2002. 30 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Cadée N, Carletta J, Dybkjær L, Evert S, Heid U, Isard A, Kolodnytsky M, Lauer C, Lezius W, Noldus LPJJ, Reithinger N, Vögele A: Lists of Requirements. Addendum to European Human Language Technologies Research Project NITE Deliverable 1.1: Software Specification and Workplan. NISLab, August 2002, 22 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Charfuelàn M, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky M: Report on modelling of domain-specific knowledge. European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Deliverable D9. NISLab, Denmark: March 2002, 19 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: NITE annual report 2001. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NITE Deliverable D6.2. NISLab, Denmark: February 2002. 5 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Kiilerich S (eds): NICE dissemination and use plan. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Deliverable D8.3. NISLab, Denmark: September 2002. 8 pages. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Carletta J, Evert S, Kolodnytsky M, O'Donnell T: The NITE markup framework. European Research Project European Human Language Technologies Research Project NITE Deliverable D2.2. NISLab, Denmark. (Project deliverable)

Hansen K, Bernsen NO, Beach D, Koutra C: School Trials. European Future and Emerging Technologies Research Project Today's Stories Deliverable D1.3.3. NISLab, Denmark: March 2002. 67 pages. (Project deliverable)

Kipp M, Reithinger N, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Knudsen MW, Machuca M, Riera M: Best practice gesture, facial expression, and cross-modality coding schemes for inclusion in the workbench. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NITE Deliverable D2.3. DFKI, Germany: December 2002. 43 pages. (Project deliverable)

Knudsen MW, Martin J-C, Dybkjær L (eds), Ayuso MJMN, Bernsen NO, Carletta J, Kita S, Heid U, Llisterri J, Pelachaud C, Poggi I, Reithinger N, van ElsWijk G, Wittenburg P: Survey of Multimodal Annotation Schemes and Best Practice. US National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies Project US National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies Project ISLE Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Working Group Deliverable D9.1. NISLab, Denmark: March 2002. 122 pp. (Project deliverable)

Knudsen MW, Martin J-C, Dybkjær L (eds), Berman S, Bernsen NO, van Elswijk G, Heid U, Kita S, Mapelli V, Martin J-C, Paulsson N, Pelachaud C, Poggi I, Wittenburg P: Survey of Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Data Resources, Current and Future User Profiles, Markets and User Needs. US National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies Project US National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies Project ISLE Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Working Group Deliverable D8.1. NISLab, Denmark: March 2002. 365 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: Specification of VICO help and repeat tasks. NISLab European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: February 2002, 9 pages. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: Towards a specification of how to combine tasks in VICO. NISLab European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: March 2002, 11 pages. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: VICO 1st User Modelling. Analysis and specification of hotel reservation support. NISLab European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: June 2002, 23 pages. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: VICO point of interest table. NISLab European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: July 2002, 4 pages. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: VICO point of interest specification. NISLab European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: August 2002, 59 pages. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: Short descriptions of NISLab’s modules for natural language understanding, dialogue management, and response generation in the 1st VICO prototype. NISLab European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: November 2002, 2 pages. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: Communicative function specification. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: November 2002, 8 pages. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: Non-communicative action specification. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NICE Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: November 2002, 11 pages. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Charfuelàn M, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky M, Kurdi MZ: NISLab module communication requirements. NISLab European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Technical Report. NISLab, Denmark: February 2002, 3 pages. (Technical report)

2001 [back to index]

Bernsen NO, Stock O (eds): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Information Presentation and Natural Multimodal Dialogue (IPNMD-2001), Verona, December 2001. ITC-Irst, Trento, 2001. (Book, proceedings)

Luz S, Bernsen NO: Interactive advice on the use of speech in multimodal system design with SMALTO. Journal of VLSI Signal Processing 29, 2001, 129-137. Kluwer Academic Publishers. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO: Natural human-human-system interaction. In Earnshaw R, Guedj R, van Dam A, Vince J (eds): Frontiers of Human-Centred Computing, On-Line Communities and Virtual Environments. Springer Verlag, Chapter 24, 347-363. ISBN 1-85233-238-7. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Exploring natural interaction in the car. Bernsen NO, Stock O (eds): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Information Presentation and Natural Multimodal Dialogue (IPNMD-2001), Verona, December 2001. ITC-Irst, Trento, 75-79. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Combining multi-party speech and text exchanges over the Internet. In Proceedings of Eurospeech 2001, 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Aalborg 2001. Bonn: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), 2001, 1189-1192. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Stock O: Foreword to Bernsen NO, Stock O (eds): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Information Presentation and Natural Multimodal Dialogue (IPNMD-2001), Verona, December 2001. ITC-Irst, Trento, 2001, p. iii. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Usability evaluation in spoken language dialogue systems. In Paroubek P, Novick DG (eds): Proceedings of the Workshop on Evaluation for Language and Dialogue Systems, Association for Computational Linguistics 39th Annual Meeting and 10th Conference of the European Chapter (ACL/EACL) 2001, Toulouse, France, July 2001. Morgan Kaufman Publishers 2001, 9-18. (Conference paper)

Knudsen MW, Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Surveys of multimodal data resources, annotation schemes and tools. In Lin-shan Lee (ed): Proceedings of the COCOSDA'2001 Workshop on Language Resources and Technology Evaluation. Technical, Global and Regional Perspectives, Aalborg, Denmark, 2 September, 2001, adjacent to Eurospeech 2001. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 2001, 135-146. (Conference paper, only its abstract is currently available)

Bernsen NO: Naturligt interaktive og proaktive systemer. Nye former for samliv med computersystemer. Vanførefonden: Årsberetning 2000-2001, 7-9, Copenhagen 2001. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Skunkworks, cafés, troubadours and the rest of it. Editorial, i3magazine, published by the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, 11, 2001, 1. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: i3net. In Caenepeel M (ed): i3 Orbit/COMDEX 2001 Village Guide, 4-7. University of Edinburgh 2001. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: i3net 2000-2001. Brief notes on activities. Published at COMDEX Europe 2001, 4th i3 Annual Conference, Basel, 2001. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: NISLab Europæisk flagskib for computerforskning. Ny Viden, Syddansk Universitet, vol. 3 No. 3, p. 2, 9 March 2001. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Bilistens lille hjælper. Ny Viden, Syddansk Universitet, vol. 9, 7 September 2001, 32. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Martin J-C, Knudsen MW: Multimodal and natural interactivity corpora and coding schemes: Call for Contributions. European Language Resources Association (ELRA) Newsletter 6.2, April-June 2001, 3. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO, Hansen K: Today’s Stories. In Caenepeel M (ed): i3 Orbit/COMDEX 2001 Village Guide, 19. (Other paper)


Carletta J (ed), Bernsen NO, Cadée N, Dybkjær L, Evert S, Heid U, Isard A, Kolodnytsky M, Lauer C, Lezius W, Noldus LPJJ, Reithinger N, Vögele A: Software specification and workplan. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NITE Deliverable D1.1. University of Edinburgh, December 2001. 37 pages. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Berman S, Bernsen NO, Carletta J , Heid U, Llisterri J: Requirements specification for a tool in support of annotation of natural interaction and multimodal data. US National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies Project ISLE Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Working Group Deliverable D11.2. August 2001. 30 pages. (Project deliverable)

Geutner P, Steffens F, Bernsen NO, Berton A, Charfuelàn M, Class F, Coletti P, Cristoforetti L, Dybkjær L, Matassoni M, Omologo M, Peirlinckx L, Svaizer P: Report on market situation, technological trends and user expectations. European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Deliverable D3, Bosch GmbH, June 2001, 52 pp. (Project deliverable)

Hansen K, BarLev Y, Bernsen NO: School Environment Reference. European Future and Emerging Technologies Research Project Today's Stories Deliverable D.1.1.3, NISLab September 2001. 12 pages. (Project deliverable)

Magli R (ed), all partners in Today’s Stories: Interim Status Report. European Future and Emerging Technologies Research Project Today's Stories Deliverable, Brussels September 2001. 25 pages. (Project deliverable)

Steffens F, Geutner P, Bernsen NO, Berton A, Charfuelàn M, Class F, Coletti P, Cristoforetti L, Dybkjær L, Euler S, Korthauer, A., Matassoni M, Omologo M, Peirlinckx L, Svaizer P: System specification. European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Deliverable D4, Internal report, Bosch GmbH, June 2001, 28 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: VICO simple route task. European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Technical Report, NISLab, May-August 2001, approx. 50 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: VICO information and repeat tasks. European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Technical Report, NISLab, October 2001, 6 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky M: NITE interface draft specification. European Human Language Technologies Research Project NITE Technical Report. University of Southern Denmark, October 2001, 13 pages. (Technical report)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Annotation of Wizard of Oz dialogues for VICO. European Human Language Technologies Research Project VICO Technical Report. NISLab 18.6.01. 24 pages. (Technical report)

2000 [back to index]

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: From single word to natural dialogue. In Zelkowitz MV (ed): Advances in Computers, vol. 52. London: Academic Press, 2000, 267-327. (Journal paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Usability issues in spoken language dialogue systems. In van Kuppevelt J, Heid U, Kamp H (eds): Special Issue on Best Practice in Spoken Language Dialogue Systems Engineering. Natural Language Engineering vol. 6, Parts 3/4, 2000, 243-272. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO: What is natural interactivity? Dybkjær L (ed): Proceedings of the Workshop From Spoken Dialogue to Full Natural Interactive Dialogue. Theory, Empirical Analysis and Evaluation. Held on 29.5.2000 adjacent to the 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'2000), Athens, Greece 31.5.-2.6.2000. Paris: European Language Resources Association, 2000, 34-37. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: A methodology for evaluating spoken language dialogue systems and their components. In Gavrilidou M, Carayannis G, Markantonatou S, Piperidis S, Steinhaouer G (eds): Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'2000), Athens, Greece 31.5.-2.6.2000. Paris: European Language Resources Association, 2000, 183-188. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Is that a good spoken language dialogue system? In Jacquemin C, Mariani J, Paroubek P (eds): Proceedings of the Workshop on Using Evaluation within HLT Programs: Results and Trends. Organised jointly by the European Human Language Technologies Project CLASS, the European Network of Excellence ELSNET, and ELRA, the European Language Resource Association. Held on 30.5.2000 adjacent to the 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'2000), Athens, Greece 31.5.-2.6.2000. Paris: European Language Resources Association, 2000, 47-49. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Baun Møller M, Bernsen NO, Grosse M, Olsen M, Schifrin A: Annotating communication problems using the MATE Workbench. In Gavrilidou M, Carayannis G, Markantonatou S, Piperidis S, Steinhaouer G (eds): Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'2000), Athens, Greece 31.5.-2.6.2000. Paris: European Language Resources Association, 2000, 1557-1564. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: The MATE Workbench. In Broeder D, Cunningham H, Ide N, Roy D, Thompson H, Wittenburg P (eds): Proceedings of the Workshop on Data Architectures and Software Support for Large Corpora. Held on 30.5.2000 adjacent to the 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'2000), Athens, Greece 31.5.-2.6.2000. Paris: European Language Resources Association, 2000, 33-37. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: The MATE Workbench. A tool in support of spoken dialogue annotation and information extraction. In Yuan B, Huang T, Tank X (eds): Proceedings of the International Conference for Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP'2000, Beijing, 3, 977-980. Beijing: China Military Friendship Publishers, 2000. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: The MATE markup framework. In Dybkjær L, Hasida K, Traum D (eds): Proceedings of the 1st SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, Hong Kong, October 2000; in conjunction with The 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2000). San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2000, 19-28. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Towards corpus annotation standards. The MATE Workbench. Preprints of the COCOSDA'2000 Workshop on Language Resources and Technology Evaluation - International and Regional Perspectives, Beijing, 21 October, 2000, 6; adjacent to ICSLP'2000: The International Conference for Spoken Language Processing. In Notes from the COCOSDA'2000 Workshop on Language Resources and Technology Evaluation - International and Regional Perspectives, Beijing, 21 October, 2000, 31-55. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: The MATE Workbench. In Kwong O, Pakhomov S (eds): The 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2000), Demonstration Notes. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2000, 15-16. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: Autumn issue: sweet memories and good prospects. Editorial, i3magazine, published by the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, 9, 2000, 1. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Natural interactivity. i3magazine, published by the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, 9, 2000, 2-4. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: i3net 1999-2000. Brief report of activities. Published at Building Tomorrow Today, 3rd i3 Annual Conference, Jönköping, 2000. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: EFS spoken dialogue project promotion. i3magazine, published by the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, 9, 2000, 2-4. (Other paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: DISC - overview of results. Elsnews, Newsletter for the European Language and Speech Network ELSNET, 9.1, 2000, 12-13. (Other paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Talesproglige dialogsystemer. Hvad kan de? Brochure. NISLab: April 2000. (Other paper)


Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Luz S: Magic Lounge. Final User Evaluation. European Esprit Long-Term Research Project Magic Lounge Year 3 Deliverable D6. Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, Saarbrücken, August 2000. 98 pages. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L (ed), Bernsen NO, Jørgensen E, Madsen S: Samlet rapport for feasibility-studium vedrørende talesproglige dialogsystemer på dansk. Danish Question-Answering Dialogue Project Deliverable. NISLab: September 2000. 25 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: Speech-related technologies. Where will the field go in 10 years? Position statement for the European Language and Speech Network ELSNET brainstorming workshop on speech and language research 2000-2010, Katwijk aan Zee, The Netherlands, 23-24 November 2000. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Knudsen MW: ISLE WPs 8 and 9 work sharing proposal following the brainstorm in November 2000. US National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies Project ISLE Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Working Group Technical Report. December 2000. (Technical report)

1999 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Natural human-human-system interaction. In Earnshaw R, Guedj R, van Dam A (eds): Proceedings of the EC/NSF Advanced Research Workshop on Research Frontiers in Virtual Environments and Human-Centred Computing, Chateau de Bonas, France, 1.6.-4.6. 1999. Bradford University, UK, 1999, Section 7, Paper No. 5. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L A theory of speech in multimodal systems. In Dalsgaard P, Lee C-H, Heisterkamp P, Cole R (eds): Proceedings of the ESCA workshop on interactive dialogue in multimodal systems, Irsee, Germany. Bonn: ESCA: 105-108. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Heid U: Current practice in the development and evaluation of spoken language dialogue systems. Proceedings of Eurospeech'99, 6th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Budapest 1999. Bonn: European Speech Communication Association (ESCA), 1999, 1147-1150. (Conference paper)

Cleal B, Masoodian M, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Meeting in the Magic Lounge. In Brewster S, Cawsey A, Cockton G (eds): Proceedings of the 7th International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT'99). Edinburgh: British Computer Society Press vol. 2, 1999, 73-74 (plus a 10 minutes video). (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Baun Møller M, Bernsen NO, Carletta J, Isard A, Klein M, McKelvie D, Mengel A: The MATE Workbench. In Traum D (ed): Proceedings of ACL'99, Demonstration Abstracts. Washington: University of Maryland, June 1999, 12-13. (Conference paper)

Luz S, Bernsen NO Interactive advice on the use of speech in multimodal systems design with SMALTO. In Ostermann J, Ray Liu KJ, Sørensen JAa, Deprettere E, Kleijn WB (eds): Proceedings of the third IEEE workshop on multimedia signal processing, Elsinore, Denmark. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ: 489-494. (Conference paper)

Masoodian M, Bernsen NO, Cleal B, Dybkjær L: Applying user-centred design to the Magic Lounge. Abstract of paper presented at the Community for Intelligent Information Interfaces (i3) Spring Days '99 Workshop on Ensuring Usable Intelligent User Interfaces. Barcelona, Spain, March 1999. (Conference paper, abstract)

Panayi M, Roy D, Bernsen NO, van de Velde W, Klaff J, Cakmakci O, De Paepe K, Lassbo G, Hakvoort I, Beach D, Bouras C, Kapoulas V, Sevasti A, Konidaris A, Barlev Y, Aviram A: Today's Stories. In Caenepeel M, Benyon D, Smith D (eds): Proceedings of Community of the Future, 2nd i3 Annual Conference, Siena, 1999. Edinburgh: The Human Communication Research Centre, 1999, 88-94. (Conference paper)

Panayi M, van de Velde W, Roy D, Cakmakci O, De Paepe K, Bernsen NO Today's Stories. Gellersen HW (ed): Proceedings of the first international symposium on handheld and ubiquitous computing (HUC'99). Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1707: 320-323. (Conference paper)

Rist T, Bernsen NO, Boullier D, Briffault X, Dybkjær L, Hauck C, Henry C, Luz S, Martin J-C, Masoodian M, Néel F, Profitlich HJ, Vapillon J: Magic Lounge: A virtual communication space with a structured memory. In Caenepeel M, Benyon D, Smith D (eds): Proceedings of Community of the Future, 2nd i3 Annual Conference, Siena, 1999. Edinburgh: The Human Communication Research Centre, 1999, 157-59. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: CLASS: Collaboration in LAnguage and Speech Science and technology. Elsnews, Newsletter for the European Language and Speech Network ELSNET, 8.4, 1999, 6-7. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: i3 roadmap: breaking news. i3magazine, published by the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, 4, 1999, 26. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: This is not a workshop report. i3magazine, published by the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, 5, 1999, 27. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: ... and welcome to new i3net members. i3magazine, published by the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, 5, 1999, 29. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Siena and beyond. i3magazine, published by the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, 6, 1999, 1. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: i3net 1998-1999. Brief report of activities. Published at Community of the Future, 2nd i3 Annual Conference, Siena, 1999. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Spoken language dialogue systems and components. Best practice in development and evaluation. Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions Nos. 24823 and 29597. 1 June 1997 - 31 December 1999. Flyer on the DISC and DISC-2 projects. Utrecht: The European Network in Language and Speech, ELSNET, 1999. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Evaluation of spoken language dialogue systems. Invited book chapter for LuperFoy S (ed): Automatic Spoken Dialogue Systems. MIT Press, 1999. (Unpublished)


Bernsen NO: Working paper on dialogue management evaluation. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 2 Deliverable 3.10. University of Southern Denmark, April 1999. 34 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Working paper on speech functionality. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 2 Deliverable D2.10. University of Southern Denmark, April 1999. 70 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: DISC dialogue engineering best practice methodology. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 2 Deliverable D3.8a. University of Southern Denmark, October 1999. 41 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Draft proposal on best practice methods and procedures in dialogue management. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 2 Deliverable D3.5. University of Southern Denmark, August 1999. 61 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: DISC Final Report. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 2 Deliverable D5.2. University of Southern Denmark, August 1999. 39 pages. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Luz S: SMALTO: Speech functionality advisory tool specification. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 2 Deliverable D2.9. University of Southern Denmark, April 1999. 23 pages. (Project deliverable)

Failenschmid K, Williams D, Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Draft proposal on best practice methods, procedures in human factors. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 2 Deliverable D3.6. University of Southern Denmark, April 1999. 73 pages. (Project deliverable)

Martin J-C, Néel F, Vapillon J, Henry C, Bernsen NO, Rist T: Redefinition of the Magic Lounge concept with regard to exploitation possibilities and study of related work. European Esprit Long-Term Research Project Magic Lounge Year 2 Deliverable D2. Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, October 1999. 18 pages. (Project deliverable)

Panayi M, Bernsen NO, Roy D: Open school communities. Trial reports and materials. European Future and Emerging Technologies Research Project Today's Stories Year 1 Deliverable D1.3.1. University of Southern Denmark, December 1999. 12 pages. (Project deliverable)

Panayi M, Bernsen NO, Roy D, Barlev Y, Aviram A: Open school communities. Deployment and trial plans. European Future and Emerging Technologies Research Project Today's Stories Year 1 Deliverable D1.2.1. University of Southern Denmark, December 1999. 7 pages.

Panayi M, Bernsen NO, Roy D, Barlev Y, Aviram A, Lassbo G, Beach D: Open school communities. School environment reference. European Future and Emerging Technologies Research Project Today's Stories Year 1 Deliverables D1.1.1 and D1.1.2. University of Southern Denmark, December 1999. 16 pages. (Project deliverable)

Paroubek P, Blasband M (eds), Bernsen NO, Calzolari N, Chanod J-P, Choukri K, Dybkjær L, Gaizauskas R, Krauwer S, de Lamberterie I, Mariani J, Netter K, Paroubek P, Popescu-Belis A, Rajman M, Zampolli A: A blueprint for a general infrastructure for natural language processing systems evaluation using semi-automatic quantitative black box approach in a multilingual environment. European Telematics - Language Engineering project ELSE (Evaluation in Language and Speech Engineering) Deliverable D1.1, final version 3.4. Paris: LIMSI, 30 April 1999. 42 pp. (Project deliverable)

Rist T, Herzog G, Brandmeier P, Hauck C, Schweitzer J, Néel F, Martin J-C, Vapillon J, Collet C, Henry C, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Masoodian M, Luz S, Roy D: Report from the 7th Magic Lounge workshop. European Esprit Long-Term Research Project Magic Lounge Year 3 Deliverable D1. Saarbrücken: Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, December 1999. 11 pages. (Project deliverable)

1998 [back to index]

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L: Designing Interactive Speech Systems. From First Ideas to User Testing. Springer Verlag 1998. (Book, monograph)

Bernsen NO, Bertelsen M (eds): Abstracts from the First i3net Annual Conference, Nyborg, Denmark 1998. NISLab, Denmark: The European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, 1998. 26 pp. (Book, abstracts)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H: A methodology for diagnostic evaluation of spoken human-machine dialogue. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 48, 1998, 605-625. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO: ELSNET in wonderland. In Krauwer S (ed): Proceedings of the ELSNET in Wonderland Conference, Soesterberg, The Netherlands. Utrecht University, The Netherlands: The European Network in Language and Speech, 1998, 1-3. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Is speech the right thing for your application? Proceedings of the International Conference for Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP'98, Sydney. Sydney: Australian Speech Science and Technology Association 1998, 3209-3212. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Dimensions of virtual co-presence. In Darses F, Zaraté P (eds): Proceedings of COOP'98, the Third International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems, Cannes, 1998. Sophia Antipolis: Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, 1998, 103-106. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Rist T, Martin J-C, Hauck C, Boullier D, Briffault X, Dybkjær L, Henry C, Masoodian M, Néel F, Profitlich HJ, André E, Schweitzer J, Vapillon J: Magic Lounge: A thematic inhabited information space with "intelligent" communication services.In Rault J-C (ed): La Lettre de l'Intelligence Artificielle, Proceedings of the International Conference on Complex Systems, Intelligent Systems, and Interfaces (NIMES'98), Nimes, France. Nimes 1998, 188-192. (Conference paper)

Cleal B, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Masoodian M: Combined virtual and local meetings in Magic Lounge. Abstract in Bernsen NO, Bertelsen M (eds): Abstracts from the First i3 Annual Conference, Nyborg, Denmark. NISLab, Denmark: The European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, 1998, 7. (Conference paper abstract)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Carlson R, Chase L, Dahlbäck N, Failenschmid K, Heid U, Heisterkamp P, Jönsson A, Kamp H, Karlsson I, Lamel L, Paroubek P, van Kuppevelt J, Williams D: The DISC approach to spoken language systems development and evaluation. In Rubio A, Gallardo N, Castro R, Tejada A (eds): Proceedings of the First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Granada, 1998. Paris: The European Language Resources Association, 1998, 185-189. (Conference paper)

Masoodian M, Bernsen NO: User-centred design of the Magic Lounge. In Greenberg S, Neuwirth CM (eds): Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW'98, Workshop on User-Centred Design in Practice - Problems and Possibilities, Seattle, 1998. New York: The Association of Computing Machinery, 1998, 417. (Conference paper)

Masoodian M, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Issues in Magic Lounge software development. Abstract in Bernsen NO, Bertelsen M (eds): Abstracts from the First i3 Annual Conference, Nyborg, Denmark. Odense University, Denmark: The European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, 1998, 7. (Conference paper abstract)

Bernsen NO: Unfolding the i3 roadmap. i3magazine, published by the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, 2, 1998, 1. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Toys and games, story-telling and drama, futuristic learning environments. Welcome to experimental school environments. i3magazine, published by the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, 3, 1998, 10-11. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Spoken language dialogue systems. Best practice and evaluation. Invited talk abstract. In Krauwer S, Paroubek P (eds): Proceedings of the Workshop, Towards a European Evaluation Infrastructure for NL and Speech, Granada, May 1998, 15. ELSNET, the European Language and Speech Network, Utrecht, 1998. (Other paper, talk abstract)

Bernsen NO, i3net Co-ordinating Group: i3 roadmap news. i3magazine, published by the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, 3, 1998, 22. (Other paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: MATE: Multi-level annotation tools engineering. Elsnews, newsletter for the European Language and Speech Network ELSNET 7, 1, 1998, 7. (Other paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Multi-level annotation tools engineering. Flyer on the MATE project. Odense University, Denmark, 1998. (Other paper)


Bernsen NO: The users' Magic Lounge. European Esprit Long-Term Research Project Magic Lounge Deliverable D4.1a. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 29-45. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Dimensions of virtual co-presence. European Esprit Long-Term Research Project Magic Lounge Deliverable D1.5/D1.6. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 4-17. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Towards a general characterisation scheme for inhabited information spaces. European Esprit Long-Term Research Project Magic Lounge Deliverable D1.1. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 37-43. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Participatory specification and design ideas from the Danish isles. European Esprit Long-Term Research Project Magic Lounge Deliverable D4.1a. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 4-28. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Periodic Progress Report No. 1. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 1 Deliverable D5.1. Odense University, Denmark, 1998. 27 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Dialogue management in Verbmobil VRP1. In Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Heid U, van Kuppevelt J, Dahlbäck N, Elmberg P, Jönsson A (eds): Working Paper on Dialogue Management Current Practice. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 1 Deliverable D1.5. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 134-139. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Verbmobil VRP1 dialogue engineering life cycle. In Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Heid U, van Kuppevelt J, Dahlbäck N, Elmberg P, Jönsson A (eds): Working Paper on Dialogue Management Current Practice. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 1 Deliverable D1.5. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 140-145. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L (eds), the DISC Consortium: Draft DISC grids and life-cycles. 61 pp. In Heid U, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L (eds): Current practice in the development and evaluation of spoken language dialogue systems. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 1 Deliverable D1.8. Odense University, Denmark, 1998. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L (eds), Heid U, van Kuppevelt J, Dahlbäck N, Elmberg P, Jönsson A: Working paper on dialogue management current practice. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 1 Deliverable D1.5. Odense University, Denmark, 1998. 196 pp. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Magic Lounge architecture. Scenarios and use cases. European Esprit Long-Term Research Project Magic Lounge Deliverable D1.1. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 4-14. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Magic Lounge architecture. A first outline. European Esprit Long-Term Research Project Magic Lounge Year 1 Deliverable D1.1. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 15-23. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Daimler-Benz dialogue manager grid. In Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Heid U, van Kuppevelt J, Dahlbäck N, Elmberg P, Jönsson A (eds): Working paper on dialogue management current practice. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 1 Deliverable D1.5. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 50-61. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Daimler-Benz dialogue manager life cycle. In Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Heid U, van Kuppevelt J, Dahlbäck N, Elmberg P, Jönsson A (eds): Working Paper on Dialogue Management Current Practice. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 1 Deliverable D1.5. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 62-70. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Waxholm dialogue manager grid. In Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Heid U, van Kuppevelt J, Dahlbäck N, Elmberg P, Jönsson A (eds): Working Paper on Dialogue Management Current Practice. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 1 Deliverable D1.5. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 169-186. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Waxholm dialogue manager life cycle. In Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Heid U, van Kuppevelt J, Dahlbäck N, Elmberg P, Jönsson A (eds): Working Paper on Dialogue Management Current Practice. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 1 Deliverable D1.5. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 187-196. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Human factors in Operetta. In Williams D, Failenschmid K, Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO (eds): Working paper on Human Factors Current Practice. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 1 Deliverable D1.6. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 46-54. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Operetta dialogue engineering life cycle. In Williams D, Failenschmid K, Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO (eds): Working paper on Human Factors Current Practice. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 1 Deliverable D1.6. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 55-65. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H, McKelvie D, Mengel A: The MATE markup framework. European Telematics/Language Engineering Research Project MATE Year 1 Deliverable D1.2. Odense University, Denmark, 1998. 28 pp. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Kasch H: Communication problems. In Klein M et al. 1998: Supported Coding Schemes. European Telematics/Language Engineering Research Project MATE Year 1 Deliverable D1.1. Odense University, Denmark, 1998, 4-10. (Project deliverable)

Heid U, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L (eds): Current practice in the development and evaluation of spoken language dialogue systems. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 1 Deliverable D1.8. Odense University, Denmark, 1998. (Project deliverable)

Klein M (ed), Bernsen NO, Davies S, Dybkjær L, Garrido J, Kasch H, Mengel A, Pirelli V, Poesio M, Quazza S, Soria C: Supported Coding Schemes. European Telematics/Language Engineering Research Project MATE Year 1 Deliverable D1.1. Odense University, Denmark, 1998. 280 pp. (Project deliverable)

Williams D (ed), Failenschmid K, Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Working paper on human factors current practice. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Year 1 Deliverable D1.6. Odense University, Denmark, 1998. 55 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: Draft DISC evaluation template, 1998. WP-56-DISC-EVAL-TEMP-22.11.98.doc. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Technical Report. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: DISC user models, 1998. WP-57-DISC-UMs-22.11.98.doc. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Technical Report. (Technical report)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Draft report on architecture and functionalities. European Esprit Long-Term Research/Human Language Technologies Concerted Actions DISC Project Technical Report. January 1998. (Technical report)

1997 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Towards a tool for predicting speech functionality. Speech Communication 23: 181-210. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO: A reference model for output information in intelligent multimedia presentation systems. Computer Standards and Interfaces, Special Double Issue, vol. 18, No. 6-7, 1997, 537-553. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L: Draft of: What should your speech system say to its users, and how? Guidelines for the design of spoken language dialogue systems. IEEE Computer, vol. 30, No. 12, December 1997, 25-31. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Dybkjær H.: User errors in spoken human-machine dialogue. In Maier E, Mast M, LuperFoy S (eds): Dialogue Processing in Spoken Language Systems. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 1997, 14-28. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO, Verjans S: From task domain to human-computer interface. Exploring an information mapping methodology. In Lee J (ed): Intelligence and Multimodality in Multimedia Interfaces. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press 1997. (Book chapter)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H: Designing co-operativity in spoken human-machine dialogues. In Varghese KC, Pfleger S (eds): Human Comfort and Security of Information Systems. Advanced Interfaces for the Information Society. Springer Verlag, Springer Research Reports 1997, 104-124. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: The DISC concerted action. In Gaizauskas R (ed): Proceedings of the SALT Club Workshop on Evaluation in Speech and Language Technology, Sheffield, June 1997, 35-42. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Dybkjær H, Zinkevicius V: Generality and transferability: Two issues in putting a dialogue evaluation tool into practical use. In Proceedings of Eurospeech '97, Rhodes , September 1997, 1911-1914. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H: Generality and objectivity. Central issues in putting a dialogue evaluation tool into practical use. In Hirschberg J, Kamm C, Walker M (eds): Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech and NLP Together in Real Applications. Madrid, July 1997, 17-24. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: Language and speech technologies in natural interactive systems. Elsnews, Newsletter for the European Language and Speech Network ELSNET, 6, 3, 1997, 4-5. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: The DISC project. European Language Resources Association (ELRA) Newsletter 2, 2, 1997, 6-8. (Other paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: DISC. Spoken language dialogue systems and components. Best practice in development and evaluation. Elsnews, Newsletter for the European Language and Speech Network ELSNET, 6, 4, 1997, 6-7. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: i3net and the i3 projects in brief. i3magazine, published by the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces, vol. 1 No. 1, 1997, 2-3. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Experimental school environments. Large card. i3net, the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces. October 1997. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Experimental school environments. Small card. i3net, the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces. October 1997. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: i3 projects. Small card. i3net, the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces. November 1997. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: i3net leaflet for the Esprit Information Technologies Conference 1997 (EITC97). i3net, the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces. November 1997. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L: ELSNET video conferencing. Report to ELSNET, the European Language and Speech Network 1997. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: NIS-gruppen ved MIP. FACTS, Odense University, June 1997, 6-8. (Other paper, unavailable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: DISC. Spoken language dialogue systems and components. Best practice in development and evaluation. Esprit Long-Term Research Concerted Action No. 24823. 1 June 1997 - 30 November 1998. Flyer on the DISC project. September 1997. (Other paper)


Bernsen NO: First Magic Lounge participatory design questionnaire. Raw summary of the data. November 1997. Confidential, internal Report. European Esprit Long-Term Research Project Magic Lounge Technical Report WP41-3-1.html. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Questionnaire 1. Eliciting participatory specification and design ideas from the Danish isles. November 1997. European Esprit Long-Term Research Project Magic Lounge Technical Report WP41-2-2.html. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Magic Lounge participatory design questionnaire 1: The data. November 1997. Confidential, internal Report. European Esprit Long-Term Research Project Magic Lounge Technical Report WP41-1-2.html. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: MATE project summary. European Telematics/Language Engineering Research Project MATE Technical Report. November 1997. (Technical report)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO : Specification of the Magic Lounge November demonstrator 1997. European Esprit Long-Term Research Project Magic Lounge Technical Report. November 1997. (Technical report)

1996 [back to index]

Damgaard S et al.: Et Dansk Medialab. Et Multimediecenter i Danmark. Rapport fra arbejdsgruppen om et multimediecenter. The Danish Ministry of Research 1996. 74 pp. (Book, monograph)

Bernsen NO: Towards a tool for predicting speech functionality. Free Speech WWW Journal 1996, First Issue. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Dybkjær H: Cooperativity in human-machine and human-human spoken dialogue. Discourse Processes 21, 2, 1996, 213-236. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO: Et vigtigt supplement. In Groes N (ed): Skarpt Lys paa Strategiske Forskningsprogrammer. Amternes og Kommunernes Forskningsinstituts Forlag 1996, 39-46. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO: A reference model for output information in intelligent multimedia presentation systems. In Faconti GP, Rist T (eds): Proceedings of the ECAI'96 Workshop: Towards a standard Reference Model for Intelligent Multimedia Presentation Systems. 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Budapest, August 1996. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L: Elements of speech interaction. In Dybkjær L (ed): Proceedings of the Third Spoken Language Dialogue and Discourse Workshop, Vienna, September 1996, 28-47. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L: Principles for the design of cooperative spoken human-machine dialogue. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP) '96, Philadelphia, October 1996, 729-732. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Dybkjær H: User errors in spoken human-machine dialogue. In Maier E, Mast M, LuperFoy S (eds): Proceedings of the ECAI'96 Workshop: Dialogue Processing in Spoken Language Systems. 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Budapest, 13 August 1996, 21-27. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær H, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: A typology of problems of cooperativity in spoken human-machine dialogue. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Spoken Dialogue (ISSD) '96, Philadelphia, 1996, 57-60. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær H, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Inferential issues in a spoken language dialogue system. In Christiansen H, Larsen HL, Andreasen T (eds): Proceedings of the Workshop on Flexible Question-Answering Systems, FQAS'96. Roskilde, 22-24 May 1996, 137-154. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H: Grice incorporated. Cooperativity in spoken dialogue. Proceedings of COLING '96, The 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Copenhagen, August 1996, 328-333. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H: Reducing miscommunication in spoken human-machine dialogue. In McRoy S (ed): Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Detecting, Repairing, and Preventing Human-Machine Miscommunication, 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Portland, Oregon, August 1996, 29-36. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H: Evaluation of spoken dialogue systems. In LuperFoy S, Nijholt A, Veldhuijzen van Zanten G (eds): Proceedings of the 11th Twente Workshop on Language Technology: Dialogue Management in Natural Language Systems. Twente, The Netherlands, 19-21 June 1996, 231-245. (Conference paper)

Avelar L, Bernsen NO, Bie S, Dambrinne C, Donelly D, Edmar D, Garrett T, Menden W, Silvani A: Five-year Assessment of the Specific Programme on Research and Technological Development, including Demonstration, in the Fields of Cooperation with Third Countries and International Organisations (1991-1996). EU Research Programme evaluation report. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Speech and natural language in an era of medium-scale science. Research in the context of Elsnet. Elsnews, newsletter for the European Language and Speech Network ELSNET, 5.4, December 1996, 2-3. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Towards a global virtual facility in neuroinformatics. European work. Position paper presented at the Workshop on Neuroinformatics. Brussels, 12 November 1996. (Unpublished)


Dybkjær H, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Priming and vocabulary. Report 9b from the Danish Project in Spoken Language Dialogue Systems. Roskilde University, January 1996, Chapter 14. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Brøndsted T, Bækgaard A, Dybkjær H, Larsen LB, Lindberg B, Povlsen C: Test of the Danish spoken dialogue system. Report 9a from the Danish Project in Spoken Language Dialogue Systems. Roskilde University, January 1996. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H: Evaluation of spoken dialogues. User test with a simulated speech recogniser. Report 9b from the Danish Project in Spoken Language Dialogue Systems. Roskilde University, January 1996. 3 volumes of 18 pages, 265 pages, and 109 pages, respectively. (Project deliverable)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H: Meta-communication. Report 9b from the Danish Project in Spoken Language Dialogue Systems. Roskilde University, January 1996, Chapter 15. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Jensager F, Lu S: Designing interfaces by information mapping. An industrial case study. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP5-TM-WP18. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Verjans S: From task domain to human-computer interface. Exploring an information mapping methodology. CCI (Centre for Cognitive Informatics) Working Papers in Cognitive Science and HCI, WPCS-96-2. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1996. (Technical report)

Jensager F, Bernsen NO: Monitoring and control interface design through information mapping. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP5-TM-WP19. (Technical report)

1995 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Why are analogue graphics and natural language both needed in HCI? In: Paternò F(ed): Interactive Systems: Design, Specification, and Verification. Focus on Computer Graphics. Springer Verlag 1995, 235-51. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO, Lu S: A software demonstrator of modality theory. In Bastide R, Palanque P (eds): Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems '95. Springer Verlag Verlag 1995, 242-61. (Book chapter)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H: Different spoken language dialogues for different tasks. A task-oriented dialogue theory. In Pfleger S, Goncalves J, Varghese KC (eds): Advances in Human-Computer Interaction. Human Comfort and Security, Springer Research Reports, Springer Verlag 1995, 46-61. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO: Information mapping in practice. Rule-based multimodal interface design. In Lee J (ed): Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Intelligence and Multimodality in Multimedia Interfaces: Research and Applications. Human Communication Research Centre, Edinburgh, July 1995. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Brøndsted T, Bækgaard A, Dalsgaard P, Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L, Kristiansen J, Larsen LB, Lindberg B, Maegaard B, Music B, Offersgaard L, Povlsen C: The Danish spoken dialogue project. A general overview. In Proceedings of the ESCA Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems, Theories and Applications, Vigsø 30 May-2 June 1995, 89-92. (Conference paper. Note that the present version is a draft only.)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L: Exploring the limits of system-directed dialogue. Dialogue Evaluation of the Danish Dialogue System. In Proceedings of Eurospeech '95, Madrid, September 1995, 1457-1460. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Lu S: A software demonstrator of modality theory. In Bastide R, Palanque P (eds): Proceedings of DSV-IS'95: 2nd Eurographics Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems, Toulouse 7-9 June 1995 (no pagination). (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Verjans S: Information mapping. Knowledge-based support for user interface design. In Proceedings of the CHI'95 Workshop on Knowledge-Based Support for the User Interface Design Process, Denver, Colorado May 1995. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Design, formalisation and evaluation of spoken language dialogue. In Andernach JA, van de Burgt SP, van der Hoeven GF (eds): Proceedings of the 9th Twente Workshop on Language Technology: Corpus-Based Approaches to Dialogue Modelling. The University of Twente, June 1995, 67-82. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H: Scenario design for spoken language dialogue systems development. In Proceedings of the ESCA Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems, Theories and Applications, Vigsø¸ Denmark, 30 May - 2 June 1995, 93-96. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H, Papazachariou D: Contextual elements in the Danish dialogue system. In Dybkjær L (ed): Proceedings of the Second Spoken Language Dialogue and Discourse Workshop, Dublin, April 1995. CCI (Centre for Cognitive Informatics) Topics in Cognitive Science and HCI vol. 8, Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University, 42-49.(Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H, Papazachariou D: On the use of context in building spoken language dialogue systems for large tasks. In Proceedings of the IJCAI'95 Workshop on Context in Natural Language Processing, Montreal, August 1995. (Conference paper)

Lu S, Bernsen NO: The taxonomy workbench. A multimedia database system for analysing representational modalities. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Interface to Real and Virtual Worlds, Montpellier, June 1995. (Conference paper)

Papazachariou D, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Dybkjær H: Identification of speaker actions in mixed-initiative dialogue. In Dybkjær L (ed): Proceedings of the Second Spoken Language Dialogue and Discourse Workshop, Dublin, April 1995, 50-57. CCI (Centre for Cognitive Informatics) Topics in Cognitive Science and HCI vol. 8, Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: Udredning om dansk neuroforskning. The Danish Research Councils, 1995, 52-53. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Talende maskiner. Et eksempel på forskningen ved Center for Kognitionsforskning. Paper invited to represent research done at Roskilde University during 1992. Annual Report, Roskilde University 1992-1993. Roskilde University 1995, 26-27. (Other paper)


Bernsen NO: Modality theory and information mapping. Overview and summary of the deliverable. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Deliverable D15, 1995. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: Design Space Development (DSD): Activities and results in AMODEUS-2. In Barnard PJ (ed): Final Report. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Deliverable. July 1995. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: Modality theory: Activities and results in AMODEUS-2. In Barnard PJ (ed): Final Report. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Deliverable. July 1995. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: Information mapping in practice. Rule-based multimodal interface design. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP5-TM-WP16, 1995. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: A toolbox of output modalities. Representing output information in multimodal interfaces. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP5-TM-WP21. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: A taxonomy of input modalities. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP5-TM-WP22. Bernsen NO: A taxonomy of input modalities. CCI (Centre for Cognitive Informatics) Working Papers in Cognitive Science and HCI, WPCS-95-9. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1995. 11 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Lu S: A software demonstrator of modality theory. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP5-TM-WP15, 1995. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Verjans S: Designing interfaces by information mapping. A case study of the CERD design. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP5-TM-WP13, 1995. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Verjans S: Designing interfaces by information mapping. A case study of the CERD design. CCI (Centre for Cognitive Informatics) Working Papers in Cognitive Science and HCI, WPCS-95-1. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1995. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Verjans S: Information mapping. Knowledge-based support for user interface design. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP5-TM-WP14, 1995. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Verjans S: From task domain to human-computer interface. An information mapping methodology. Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Working Paper RP5-TM-WP17. (Technical report)

Duke DJ, Aboulafia A, Banaki E, Barnard PJJ, Bernsen NO, Blandford AEE, Coutaz J, Darzentas J, Duce DA, Faconti GP, Good J, Hagglund S, Hammond N, Harrison MD, Jensager F, Jørgensen AH, Lu S, Löwgren J, MacLean A, May J, May M, Nielsen J, Nigay L, Paternò F, Ramsay J, Salber D, Shum SB, Sjöberg C, Spyrou T, Timpka T, Verjans S, Young RM: Integration techniques for multi-disciplinary HCI modelling: A survey. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP3-ID-WP48, 1995. (Technical report)

Dybkjær H, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: User test transcriptions. Danish Dialogue Project Technical Report. (Technical report)

Dybkjær H, Papazachariou D, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Mixed-initiative dialogue. Danish Dialogue Project Technical Report. (Technical report)

Dybkjær H, Papazachariou D, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: March'95 mixed-initiative WOZ transcriptions. Danish Dialogue Project Technical Report. (Technical report)

Lu S, Bernsen NO: The taxonomy workbench. A multimedia database system for analysing representational modalities. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP5-TM-WP12, 1995. (Technical report)

Ramsay J, Bernsen NO: Traceability support for modelling in the design process. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP3-ID-WP45, 1995. (Technical report)

Ramsay J, Bernsen NO: Catalogue of design rationale representations: A source document for RP3-ID-WP45. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP3-ID-WP46, 1995. (Technical report)

1994 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Foundations of multimodal representations. A taxonomy of representational modalities. Interacting with Computers 6/4 1994: 347-71. (Journal paper)

Bryderup I, Bernsen NO, Jørgensen L, Ravn B: Internationalisering. Humaniora vol. 8 No. 1, January 1994, 32. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO, Ulbæk I: Two games in town. Systematicity in distributed connectionist systems. In Torrance S, Thornton C (eds): Hybrid Models of Cognition, Intellect Books 1994. (Book chapter)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H: Dialogue development and implementation in the Danish dialogue project. In Varghese KC, Pfleger S, Lefevre J-P (eds): Advanced Speech Applications, Springer Research Reports, Springer Verlag 1994, 126-141. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO: Modality theory in support of multimodal interface design. In Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Intelligent Multi-Media Multi-Modal Systems. Stanford, March 1994, 37-44. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: Modality theory: Supporting multimodal interface design. In Proceedings from the ERCIM Workshop on Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction, Nancy, November 1993. ERCIM Workshop Reports 94-W003 1994, 13-23. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: Why are analogue graphics and natural language both needed in HCI? In Paternò F (ed): Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems. Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop, Carrara, Italy, 8-10 June 1994, 165-179. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: Den kognitive revolution? In Ulbæk I (ed): Proceedings of the First Danish Annual Cognitive Science Conference, Roskilde, October 1992. Topics in Cognitive Science and HCI, 4, 1994, 1-15. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L: Demo description of the Danish spoken language dialogue system. Demonstration presented at the ACL Applied Natural Language Processing Conference, Stuttgart, October 1994. 2 pp. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Dybkjær H: A dedicated task-oriented dialogue theory in support of spoken language dialogue systems design. Proceedings of the ICSLP Conference, Yokohama, Japan, September 1994, 875-78. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO: Database access via spoken language interfaces. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Flexible Query-Answering Systems (FQAS'94), Roskilde University, Denmark, November 1994, 69-79. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: Indledning til årsberetning 1993. Center for Sprogteknologi, København, 1994, p. 3. (Other paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H: DanLuft voice call reservation system. Colour Brochure designed for Wizard of Oz test subjects. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University, August 1994. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L: Towards an incremental theory of task-oriented spoken human-computer dialogue. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1994. 16 pp. (Unpublished)


Bernsen NO: Modality theory and information mapping. Overview and summary of the deliverable. In Bernsen NO (ed): European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Deliverable D14, June 1994. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Dybkjær H: Task-oriented spoken human-computer dialogue. Report 6a from the Danish Project in Spoken Language Dialogue Systems. Roskilde University, February 1994. 59 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Ramsay J: Design structure, process and reasoning. The advancement of a tool for the development of design spaces. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP3-ID-WP28, 1994. Bernsen NO, Ramsay J: Design structure, process and reasoning. The advancement of a tool for the development of design spaces. CCI (Centre for Cognitive Informatics) Working Papers in Cognitive Science and HCI, WPCS-94-3. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1994. Paper from European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Deliverable D7, June 1994. 55 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Rasmussen B: Slutrapport. Rammeprogram Vidensrepræsentation og Vidensbehandling. Statens Humanistiske Forskningsråd 1990-93. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1994. 24 pp. (Project deliverable)

Verjans S, Bernsen NO: PaTerm: A case study in information-mapping. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP5-TM-WP6, 1994. Verjans S, Bernsen NO: PaTerm: A Case Study in Information-Mapping. CCI (Centre for Cognitive Informatics) Working Papers in Cognitive Science and HCI, WPCS-94-4. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1994. Paper from European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Deliverable D14, June 1994. 46 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: A short history of the DSD (Design Space Development) approach. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP3-ID-IR7, 1994. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: A revised generation of the taxonomy of output modalities. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS Technical Report RP5-TM-WP11, 1994. 12 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: Why are analogue graphics and natural language both needed in HCI? CCI (Centre for Cognitive Informatics) Working Papers in Cognitive Science and HCI, WPCS-94-2. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1994. 17 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L: Wizard of Oz prototyping: How and when? CCI (Centre for Cognitive Informatics) Working Papers in Cognitive Science and HCI, WPCS-94-1. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1994. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Lu S, May M: Towards a design support tool for multimodal interface design. The taxonomy workbench and theory demonstrator. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP5-TM-WP5, 1994. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Ramsay J: An executive summary of the DSD framework illustrated by two worked exemplars. In Shum SB, Jørgensen AH, Hammond N, Aboulafia A (eds): Amodeus-2 HCI Modelling and Design Approaches: Executive Summaries and Worked Examples. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP4-TA-WP16, 1994. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Ramsay J: AMODEUS-2 shared modelling exercise: DSD modelling technique report on the EuroCODE exemplar. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP3-ID-IR8, 1994. (Technical report)

Ramsay J, Bernsen NO: AMODEUS-2 shared modelling exercise. DSD modelling technique report on the CERD exemplar. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP3-ID-IR9, 1994. (Technical report)

Ramsay J, Bernsen NO: DSD report on the CERD exemplar. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP3-ID-IR10, 1994. In Shum SB (ed): Preliminary Modelling of the CERD Flight Sequencing Tool. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP4-TA-WP23, 1994. (Technical report)

1993 [back to index]

Bernsen NO, Ulbæk I: Naturlig og Kunstig Intelligens. Introduktion til Kognitionsforskning. Copenhagen: Nyt Nordisk Forlag 1993. (Book, monograph)

Bernsen NO: Systematicity in the vision to language chain. Philosophy, Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement vol. 34: Philosophy and Cognitive Science 1993, 189-215. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO: En kognitiv revolution i videnskaben? In Andersson, A. E., Sahlin, N.-E.: Den Kognitiva Revolutionen? Special Issue of Framtider 12, No. 1, Stockholm 1993, 8-10. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO: Systematicity in the vision to language chain. In Hookway C, Peterson D (eds): Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1993, 189-215. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO: The structure of the design space. In Byerley PF, Barnard PJ, May J (eds): Computers, Communication and Usability: Design issues, research and methods for integrated services. Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1993, 221-244. (Book chapter)

Bernsen NO: A research agenda for modality theory. In Cox R, Petre M, Brna P, Lee J (eds): Proceedings of the Workshop on Graphical Representations, Reasoning and Communication. World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Edinburgh, August 1993, 43-46. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: Structuring design spaces. INTERCHI '93 Adjunct Proceedings, Amsterdam, April 1993, 211-12. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær H, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L: Wizard-of-Oz and the trade-off between naturalness and recogniser constraints. Proceedings of EUROSPEECH '93, Berlin, September 1993, 947-50. (Conference paper)

Dybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H: Knowledge acquisition for a constrained speech system using WoZ. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the EACL, Utrecht, April 1993, 467. (Conference paper)

Klausen T, Bernsen NO: CO-SITUE: Towards a methodology for constructing scenarios. In Hollnagel E, Lind M (eds): Proceedings of the Fourth European Meeting on Cognitive Science Approaches to Process Control (CSAPC'93): Designing for Simplicity. Copenhagen, August 1993, 1-16. (Conference paper. Note that the link is to what may be the submitted abstract only.)

Bernsen NO: Technology, applications and users - getting the right mix. ELSNEWS, The Newsletter of the European Network in Language and Speech, vol. 2.5, December 1993, p.1. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO et al.: Brochure on the Centre for Cognitive Informatics. Risø National Laboratory and Roskilde University (English version). June 1993. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO, Løvborg L: Human-computer interaction. Danish Research Programme on Informatics 91-94. The Danish Research Councils, Copenhagen, June 1993, 14-15. (Other paper)

Dalsgaard P, Bernsen NO, Maegaard B: Talk to your computer. Danish Research Programme on Informatics 91-94. The Danish Research Councils, Copenhagen, June 1993, 12-13. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Mission to universities and companies in Israel involved in information technologies R and D. 15-18 March 1993. Report to the CEC. 9 pp. March 1993. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Report on meeting with Dr. Mehler and Dr. Morais on their HFSP (Brain) grant Processing consequences of contrasting language phonologies 1990-93, Strasbourg, November 1993. Evaluation Document, The International Human Frontier Science Program. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Kognitiv revolution i videnskaben? Short version of Bernsen NO: En kognitiv revolution i videnskaben? Framtider 1993. (Unpublished)


Bernsen NO: Types of user problems in design. A study of knowledge acquisition using the Wizard of Oz. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP2-UM-WP 14, 1993. In Deliverable D2: Extending the User Modelling Techniques. June 1993. Bernsen NO: Types of User Problems in Design. A Study of Knowledge Acquisition Using the Wizard of Oz. CCI (Centre for Cognitive Informatics) Working Papers in Cognitive Science and HCI, WPCS-93-12. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1993. 26 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: Task 2.1: HCI taxonomy, summary of work at CCI (Centre for Cognitive Informatics). European Esprit Basic Research Project GRACE Deliverable D2.1.1, 1993. 9.8.1993. 4 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: Introduction to GRACE Deliverable 2.1: Taxonomy of HCI systems. European Esprit Basic Research Project GRACE Deliverable D2.1.1, 1993. 9.8.1993. 2 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: Matching information and interface modalities. An example study. European Esprit Basic Research Project GRACE Deliverable D2.1.1, 1993. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: Specificity and Focus. Two complementary aspects of analogue graphics and natural language. European Esprit Basic Research Project GRACE Deliverable D2.1.3, 1993. 27 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: Foundations of multimodal representations. A taxonomy of pure modalities. European Esprit Basic Research Project GRACE Deliverable D2.1.2, 1993. Bernsen NO: Foundations of Multimodal Representations. A Taxonomy of Pure Modalities. CCI (Centre for Cognitive Informatics) Working Papers in Cognitive Science and HCI, WPCS-93-9. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1993. 21 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Bertels A: A methodology for mapping information from task domains to interactive modalities. European Esprit Basic Research Project GRACE Deliverable D10.1.3, 1993. Bernsen NO, Bertels A: A methodology for mapping information from task domains to interactive modalities. CCI (Centre for Cognitive Informatics) Working Papers in Cognitive Science and HCI, WPCS-93-10. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1993. 21 pp. (Project deliverable)

Blandford AE, Barnard PJ, Bellotti V, Bernsen NO, Harrison MD, Klausen T, MacLean A, Sjöberg C, Timpka T (eds): Development of integrating and design expressions. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Deliverable D3, June 1993. (Project deliverable)

Blandford AE, Barnard PJ, Bellotti V, Bernsen NO, Harrison MD, Klausen T, MacLean A, Sjöberg C, Timpka T: Towards conceptual integration. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP3-ID-WP19, May 1993. In Deliverable D3: Development of Integrating and Design Expressions, June 1993. (Project deliverable)

May J, Barnard PJ, Bernsen NO, Blandford AE, Klausen T, Young RM (eds): Extending the user modelling techniques. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Deliverable D2 June 1993. (Project deliverable)

May M, Bernsen NO: Taxonomy Workbench (Software) European Esprit Basic Research Project GRACE Deliverable D2.1.8, 1993. (Project deliverable)

Barnard PJ, Bellotti V, Bernsen NO, Blandford AE, Harrison MD, Klausen T, MacLean A, Sjöberg C, Timpka T: Looking at AV connections from the perspective of integrating and design expressions. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP3-ID-WP 20, 1993. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: Design of a spoken language dialogue system. A study of the initial specification phase. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP3-ID-WP3, 1993. 15 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: The structure of the design space. CO-SITUE illustrated by a study in early artefact design. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP3-ID-WP4, 1993. 18 pp. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO: CO-SITUE representation and analysis of shared material for AMODEUS-2 modelling: RAVE and Portholes. European Esprit Basic Research Project AMODEUS-2 Technical Report RP3-ID-WP15, 1993. 14 pp. (Technical report)

1992 [back to index]

Sleeman D, Bernsen NO (eds): Artificial Intelligence. Research Directions in Cognitive Science. European Perspectives vol. 5. Hove, Sussex: Lawrence Erlbaum 1992. (Book, edited)

Bernsen NO: Kognitionsforskning. Humaniora vol. 6 No. 2, September 1992, 8-12. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO: Descartes og kognitionsforskningens program. Philosophia vol. 21 No. 1-2, September 1992, 81-93. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO, Ulbæk I: Two games in town. Systematicity in distributed connectionist systems. Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour Quarterly, Special Issue on Hybrid Models of Cognition Part 2, No. 79, Spring 1992 pp. 25-30. (Journal paper)

Bernsen NO: Den kognitive revolution? In Ulbæk I (ed): Proceedings of the First Danish Annual Cognitive Science Conference, Roskilde, October 1992. Topics in Cognitive Science and HCI, 4, 1994, 1-15. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L, Ravnholt O: Empirical data and speech-based user interfaces. Proceedings from workshop on Empirical Models and Methodology for Natural Language Dialogue Systems. Third Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, ACL, Trento, Italy, 31 March - 3 April 1992. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO, Svane B: Communication failure and mental models. Proceedings of the 13th Scandinavian Conference on Linguistics, Roskilde University, January 1992. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: National News: Denmark. ELSNews, The newsletter of the European Network in Language and Speech vol. 1, No. 1, September 1992, p.6. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Brochure on Centre for Cognitive Informatics. Risø National Laboratory and Roskilde University (Danish version). Final version December 1992. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: CCI - Centre for Cognitive Informatics. Nyhedsbrev 6, p.2, Centre for Cognitive Informatics, Risø National Laboratory and Roskilde University, December 1992. (Other paper)


Bernsen NO, Granström B, Giachin E, Klein E, Mariani J, Nooteboom S, Thompson H, Uszkoreit H: European strategic research in speech and natural language. Report by the ELSNET Research Coordination Task Group. Draft 3.2, Edinburgh, August 11, 1992. (Project deliverable)

Larsen LB (ed), Bernsen NO, Brøndsted T, Dybkjær H, Dybkjær L, Music B, Povlsen C, Ravnholt O: State-of-the-art of spoken language systems - a survey. Report 1 from the project: Spoken Language Dialogue Systems. STC, Aalborg University, CST, Copenhagen University and CCI (Centre for Cognitive Informatics), Risø National Laboratory and Roskilde University. September 1992. 79 pp. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO, Svane B: Communication failure and mental models. Working Papers in Cognitive Science WPCS-92-3. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1992. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Ulbæk I: Systematicity, thought and attention in a distributed connectionist system. Working Papers in Cognitive Science WPCS-92-2. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1992. 14 pp. (Technical report)

1991 [back to index]

Andersen HB, Bernsen NO, Rasmussen J (eds): Human-Computer Interaction. Research Directions in Cognitive Science. European Perspectives vol. 3. Hove, Sussex: Lawrence Erlbaum 1991. (Book, edited)

Orban GA, Singer W, Bernsen NO (eds): Cognitive Neuroscience. Research Directions in Cognitive Science. European Perspectives vol. 4. Hove, Sussex: Lawrence Erlbaum 1991. (Book, edited)

Bernsen NO: The research programme of cognitive science. Proceedings of Grands Colloques de Prospective: Sciences de la Cognition, pp. 161-2. Paris 28-31 January 1991. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: Kognitionsforskning i Frankrig. Nyhedsbrev 3, Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University, February 1991. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Center for Kognitionsforskning. Hvad foregår der? RUC Nyt, 15, June 1991. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Svar til Ilja Wechselmann. RUC Nyt, September 1991. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Center for kognitiv informatik. Nyhedsbrev 4, Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University, September 1991. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Europæiske networks of excellence. Nyhedsbrev 4, Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University, September 1991. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Center for Kognitiv Informatik. Risø NYT November 1991. (Other paper)


Bernsen NO: Johnson-Laird's theory of mental models. In Andersen, H. B., Cacciabue, C., Pedersen, S. A., Reason, J. (eds): Cognitive Processes and Resources. Proceedings of the Second MOHAWC Workshop, Manchester 1990, vol. 1, 117-49. European Esprit Basic Research Project MOHAWC Deliverable D3, Risø National Laboratory, Dec. 1991. (Project deliverable)

Reason J, Bernsen NO: Errors in a team context. In Brehmer B (ed): Distributed Decision Making. Proceedings of the Third MOHAWC Workshop Belgirate 1991. vol. 1, 90-107. European Esprit Basic Research Project MOHAWC Deliverable D4, Risoe National Laboratory, Dec. 1991. (Project deliverable)

Bernsen NO: Mental models in human-computer interaction. Working Papers in Cognitive Science WPCS-91-5. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1991. Proceedings of the Fourth MOHAWC Workshop, Bamberg 1991. Risoe National Laboratory, Dec. 1993. (Technical report)

Bernsen NO, Ulbæk I: Two games in town. Systematicity in distributed connectionist systems. Working Papers in Cognitive Science WPCS-91-6. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University 1991. (Technical report)

1990 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Are there limits to the power of information technology? Proceedings of Forum: Science, Technology and Society: The Challenge of a Wider Europe, p. 105. The European Parliament, Strasbourg 8.-10.11.1990. (Conference paper)

Bernsen NO: Human Frontier Science programmet. Danish Ministry of Research. 2 pages, May 1990. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: European Foundation for Logic, Language and Information. Nyhedsbrev 2. Centre for Cognitive Science, Roskilde University, August 1990. (Other paper)

Bernsen NO: Hvorfor kritisere kognitionsforskningen?. Journal paper commissioned by the journal AGORA, Oslo, May 1990. (Unpublished)

Bernsen NO: Kognitionsforskning. En kort præsentation. Journal paper commissioned by the journal Forskningen og Samfundet, Copenhagen, January 1990. 7 pp. (Unpublished)

1989 [back to index]

Baddeley A, Bernsen NO (eds): Cognitive Psychology. Research Directions in Cognitive Science. European Perspectives vol. 1. Hove, Sussex: Lawrence Erlbaum 1989. (Book, edited)

Schnelle H, Bernsen NO (eds): Logic and Linguistics. Research Directions in Cognitive Science. European Perspectives vol. 2. Hove, Sussex: Lawrence Erlbaum 1989. (Book, edited)

Bernsen NO: General introduction: A European perspective on cognitive science. In Baddeley, A., Bernsen NO (eds): Cognitive Psychology. Research Directions in Cognitive Science. European Perspectives vol. 1. Hove, Sussex: Lawrence Erlbaum 1989 pp. vii-xvi. (Book chapter)

1988 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Kognitionsforskning anno 1988. Psyke og Logos No. 2, 1988, pp. 215-29.

Bernsen NO, Metakides G: Basic Research Actions. A new ESPRIT initiative. AICOM vol. 1, January 1988, pp. 10-11.

Bernsen NO, Metakides G: ESPRIT Basic Research Actions. 1988 Information Package. First Call for Proposals. Brussels March 1988.

Bernsen NO: ESPRIT Basic Research Actions. Newsletter for the European Association of Cognitive Psychology. April 1988.

Bernsen NO, the FAST Group: Prospective View on Research Directions in European Cognitive Science. Report to the Commission of the European Communities. Brussels September 1988.

1987 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Review of Ben Mijuskovic: Contingent immaterialism: freedom, meaning, time, and mind. NOUS vol. 21, 1987, pp. 280-2.

Bernsen NO: Cognitive science and the future of Europe. Proceedings of the Europrospective Conference. Paris. April 1987.

Bernsen NO, Metakides G: ESPRIT Basic Research Actions. Working Document. Brussels. July 1987.

Bernsen NO, Metakides G: Basic Research Actions. A new ESPRIT initiative. Proceedings of the Special Session on International Joint Collaborative AI. IJCAI, Milano. August 1987, pp. 18-22.

Bernsen NO: European collaboration in artificial intelligence and cognitive science. Bulletin of European Cognitive Science. Ed. Michel Imbert. Paris Autumn 1987.

1986 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Heidegger's Theory of Intentionality. Odense: Odense University Press 1986.

Bernsen NO: Liv og død. Begreber og kriterier. Ugeskrift for Læger 1986, pp. 1499-1501.

Bernsen NO: Selv at se efter. Om erfaringsprincippets selvrevisioner. Philosophia vol. 15, No. 3/4 1986, pp. 262-74.

Bernsen NO: Review of R.J. Bernstein: Beyond Objectivism and Relativism. NOUS vol. 20, No. 4 1986, pp. 574-6.

Bernsen NO: Discussion note: Gregersen, F. and Køppe, S.: Videnskab og Lidenskab. Philosophia vol. 15, No. 1/2 1986, pp. 171-5.

Bernsen NO: Background paper on integrated research in natural and artificial information processing. Report to the FAST Programme, CEC, Brussels, November 1986.

1985 [back to index]

Bernsen NO, Flor JR: Man's historicity and philosophy's self-knowledge. Danish Yearbook of Philosophy vol. 22, 1985, pp. 37-56.

Bernsen NO: Bevidsthedens struktur. Forskning på Fyn. Odense: Odense University Press 1985, pp. 79-83.

Bernsen NO, Riishede J: Draft authorship of Chapter 3: Redegørelse fra arbejdsgruppen vedrørende dødskriteriet. In: Transplantation af hjerte, lunge, bugspytkirtel og lever i Danmark. Redegørelse fra et udvalg under Sundhedstyrelsen. Copenhagen 1985, pp. 19-71.

Bernsen NO: Dødsbegrebet. In: Transplantation af hjerte, lunge, bugspytkirtel og lever i Danmark. Redegørelse fra et udvalg under Sundhedstyrelsen. Copenhagen 1985, Chapter 3, Annex 2, pp. 47-50.

Bernsen NO: Fornuftens projekt og "etikkens" genkomst. Forskningen og Samfundet vol. 11, No. 7 1985, pp. 20-1.

Bernsen NO: Filosofi i gymnasiet ? Kronik i Politiken 25.7.1985.

1984 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Searle's theory of intentionality. Philosophy Today vol. 28, No. 3/4 Fall 1984, pp. 265-77.

Bernsen NO: To kilometer fra Everest. Dansk Bjergklub vol. 34, No.4, 1984, pp. 9-16.

Bernsen NO: Højde. Dansk Bjergklub vol. 34, No.4, 1984, pp. 18-21.

Bernsen NO: To kilometer fra Everest. Kronik i Berlingske Tidende 17.12.1984.

Bernsen NO: Superforskere og dannelse. Politiken 20.6.1984.

1983 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Hvad er filosofi? Skilleveje i dansk filosofi i dag. Philosophia vol. 11, No. 1/2 1983, pp. 2-17.

Bernsen NO: Luksuriøs rådløshed. Diskussion af Ole Thyssen: Den Anden Natur. Philosophia vol. 12, No. 1/2 1983, pp. 146-56.

Bernsen NO: Humanioras krise. Magisterbladet 5.10.1983.

Bernsen NO: Humanioras krise. NYT fra Odense Universitet, 21.10.1983.

1982 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Elementary knowledge: Transcendental pragmatics without consensus theory and ideal community of communication. Acta Sociologica vol. 25, 1982, pp. 235-47.

1981 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Epistemology and ontology. Danish Yearbook of Philosophy vol. 18, 1981, pp. 45-65.

Bernsen NO: Hvad er filosofi? Studier i Filosofi. Odense: Odense University Press 1981, pp. 2-17.

Bernsen NO: Begrundelse af den menneskelige erkendelse. Studier i Filosofi. Odense: Odense University Press 1981, pp. 30-53.

Bernsen NO: Filosofiens nytte. Politiken 21.1.1981.

1980 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Skilleveje i dansk filosofi. Politiken 10.11.1980.

1978 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Knowledge. A Treatise on Our Cognitive Situation. Odense: Odense University Press 1978.

1976 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Viden. En Afhandling om Vor Erkendelsessituation. Odense: Odense University Press 1976.

Bernsen NO: Autoreferat af Niels Ole Bernsens disputats: Viden - En Afhandling om Vor Erkendelsessituation. NYT fra Odense Universitet, 17.4.1976.

Bernsen NO: Review af Mogens Pahuus: Filosofisk Antropologi. Symposion Odense Universitet, September 1976, pp.113-7.

1974 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Protagoras' homo-mensura thesis. Classica et Mediaevalia vol. 30, 1974, pp. 109-44.

Bernsen NO: Karl Popper's improvements on empiricism and the justification of knowledge. Danish Yearbook of Philosophy vol. 11, 1974, pp. 7-23.

Bernsen NO: Grader af ansvarlighed? Symposion Odense Universitet, May 1974, pp. 21-7.

Bernsen NO: Protagoras' homo-mensura tese. Symposion Odense Universitet, November 1974, pp. 1-35.

Bernsen NO: Transcendentale argumenter. Symposion Odense Universitet, September 1974, pp. 46-52.

1973 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Viljens frihed i lyset af elementære handlingserfaringer. Symposion Odense Universitet, February/May 1973, pp. 1-15.

Bernsen NO: Kravet om samfundsforandring og dets begrundelse. Symposion Odense Universitet, November 1973, pp. 25-34.

1972 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: The problem of other minds. Danish Yearbook of Philosophy vol. 9, 1972, pp. 55-72.

Bernsen NO: Husserls kritik af psykologismen og dens konsekvenser for hans erkendelsesteori. Part I. Symposion Odense Universitet, May 1972, pp. 2-36.

Bernsen NO: Husserls kritik af psykologismen og dens konsekvenser for hans erkendelsesteori. Part II. Symposion Odense Universitet, September 1972, pp. 2-24.

Bernsen NO: Discussion note: K. H. Jacobsen: A Companion to Dr. Zinkernagel's Conditions for Description. Symposion Odense Universitet, September 1972, pp. 43-8.

Bernsen NO: En Kritisk Belysning af Hovedargumenterne i Diskussionen af Problemet om det Fremmedpsykiske. Mag. art. thesis. Odense Universitet 1972.

1971 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Induktionsproblemet. Svar til E.G. Klawonn. Symposion Odense Universitet, May 1971, pp. 28-33.

1970 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: Om at være fri. Politisk Revy No. 150, 12.6.1970, p. 10.

Bernsen NO: Debatindlæg om induktionsproblemet. Symposion Odense Universitet, November 1970, pp. 34-42.

Bernsen NO: Anmeldelse af Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Tegn. Udvalgte Essays. Rhodos 1969. Symposion Odense Universitet, May 1970.

1969 [back to index]

Bernsen NO: "Filosofi" i Philosophical Investigations. Symposion Odense Universitet, May 1969, pp. 2-8.