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Year Title Authors Type Editors Edited Publisher Pages Keywords
2009Multimodal UsabilityBernsen NO, Dybkjær LBook monograph--Springer Verlag448Usability, modalities
2008Multimodality theoryBernsen NOBook chapterTzovaras DMultimodal User Interfaces. From Signals to Interaction. Signals and Communication Technology seriesSpringer Verlag5-29Modalities, usability
2008Modelling spoken multimodal instructional systemsBernsen NO, Dybkjær LBook chapterLuppicini RHandbook of Conversation Design for Instructional ApplicationsHershey, New York363-387Tutoring systems, modalities, spoken dialogue
2007--Book, editedBernsen NO, guest editorSpecial Issue on Speech and Computer Vision. ACM Crossroads Student Journal 13/4, MayACM-Computer vision
2007Annotation Schemes for Verbal and Nonverbal Communication. Some General IssuesBernsen NO and Dybkjær LBook chapterEsposito A, Faundez-Zanuy M, Keller E, Marinaro MVerbal and Nonverbal Communication Behaviours LNAI vol. 4775Springer Verlag11-22Multimodal annotation
2007Spoken dialogue systems evaluationBernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Minker WBook chapterDybkjær L, Hemsen H, Minker W Evaluation of Text and Speech Systems. Text, Speech and Language Technology Series vol. 37Springer Verlag187-219Evaluation, spoken dialogue systems
2007 Report on iterative testing of a multimodal usability and evaluation guide. European Network of Excellence SIMILAR Deliverable D98Bernsen NO, Dybkjær LProject deliverable---119Multimodal systems, evaluation
2006Ny Teknologi -> Nye Oplevelser = En Vej til Vækst.Bernsen NO, Ersbøll B, Granum E, Hansen JP, Jakobsen SE, Juul-Pedersen K, Leffland L, Olsen N, Wellejus ABook monograph--København: Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber97 ppFun technology, immersive technology
2006 Fusion of children's speech and 2D gestures when conversing with 3D charactersMartin J-C, Buisine S, Pitel G, Bernsen NOJournal paperDutoit T, Nigay L, Schnaider M Multimodal Human-Computer Interfaces. Special Issue of Signal Processing 86/12, DecemberElsevier3596-3624Speech and gesture, multimodal fusion
2006 Speech and 2D deictic gesture reference to virtual scenesBernsen NOConference paperAndré E, Dybkjær L, Minker W, Neumann H, Weber MPerception and interactive technologies. Proceedings of the international tutorial and research workshop PIT06, Kloster Irsee, Germany, JuneSpringer Verlag, LNAI 4021129-140Speech and gesture
2006H. C. Andersen Conversation CorpusBernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kiilerich SConference paper-Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2006, Genova, Italy, May-129-140Spoken dialogue systems, corpus annotation
2006 Field evaluation of a single-word pronunciation training systemBernsen NO, Hansen TK, Kiilerich S, Madsen TKConference paper-Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2006, Genova, Italy, May-2068-2073Tutoring systems, evaluation
2006Face-to-face conversation with first-generation ancestors. Current reality and future prospects.Bernsen NO, Dybkjær LUnpublished---25 ppEmbodied conversational agents, Cultural heritage
2005--Book editedvan Kuppevelt J, Dybkjær L, Bernsen NOAdvances in Natural Multimodal Dialogue SystemsSpringer Verlag: Text, Speech and Language Technology Series Vol. 30373 ppMultimodal systems, spoken dialogue systems
2005Natural and multimodal interactivity engineering - directions and needsBernsen NO, Dybkjær LBook chaptervan Kuppevelt J, Dybkjær L, Bernsen NOAdvances in Natural Multimodal Dialogue SystemsSpringer Verlag: Text, Speech and Language Technology Series, Vol. 301-19Natural interaction, multimodal systems, engineering
2005Enhancing the usability of multimodal virtual co-driversBernsen NO, Dybkjær LBook chapterMinker W, Bühler D, Dybkjær LSpoken Multimodal Human-Computer Dialogue in Mobile EnvironmentsSpringer Verlag: Text, Speech and Language Technology Series Vol. 28269-285Spoken dialogue systems, in-car systems, multimodal systems
2005Meet Hans Christian AndersenBernsen NO, Dybkjær LConference paper-Proceedings of the 6th SIGdial workshop on discourse and dialogue. Lisbon, Portugal-237-241Embodied conversational agents, multimodal systems
2005User Interview-Based Progress Evaluation of Two Successive Conversational Agent PrototypesBernsen NO, Dybkjær LConference paperMaybury M, Stock O, Wahlster WIntelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment. Proc's of the First International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment, INTETAIN, Madonna di Campiglio, ItalySpringer Verlag LNAI 3814220-224Embodied conversational agents, evaluation
2005Comparative User Evaluation of Conversational Agent H. C. AndersenBernsen NO, Dybkjær LConference paperKokkinakis G, Fakotakis N, Dermatas E, and Potapova RProceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM), University of Patras, Patras, Greece, OctoberUniversity of Patras and Mosc.ow State Linguistics University Vol. 1211-214Evaluation, embodied conversational agents
2005User Evaluation of Conversational Agent H. C. AndersenBernsen NO, Dybkjær LConference paper-CD Proceedings of Interspeech, Lisbon, Portugal, September--Evaluation, embodied conversational agents
2005Children's Gestures and Speech in Conversation with 3D CharactersBuisine S, Martin J-C, Bernsen NOConference paper-CD Proceedings of HCI International 2005, 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July--speech and gesture, natural interaction
2005Multimodal Output Generation for an Interactive Conversational CharacterCorradini A, Mehta M, Bernsen NOConference paper-CD Proceedings of HCI International 2005, 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July--Output generation, embodied conversational agents
2005Animating an Interactive Conversational Character for an Educational Game SystemCorradini A, Mehta M, Bernsen NO, Charfuelàn MConference paperRiedl J, Jameson A, Billsus D, Lau TProceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), San Diego, CA, USANew York: ACM Press183-190Animation, embodied conversational agents
2005Current Practice Description and Evaluation: Towards a Framework for Usability EvaluationAguilera EJG, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Hernandez PC, Lamata de la Orden P, Macq B, Nikolakis G, Paterno F, Santoro C, Trevisan DG, Tzovaras D, Vanderdonckt JProject deliverableDybkjær LEU Network of Excellence SIMILAR Deliverable D18NISLab, University of Southern Denmark, August36Usability, evaluation
2004Building Usable Spoken Dialogue Systems. Some ApproachesBernsen NO, Dybkjær LJournal paper-Sprache und Datenverarbeitung (SDV), International Journal of Language Data Processing, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2004-111-131Spoken dialogue systems, usability
2004Evaluation and usability of multimodal spoken language dialogue systemsDybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Minker WJournal paper-Speech Communication Vol 43, 2004Elsevier33-54Evaluation, usability, multimodal systems, spoken dialogue
2004Measuring relative target user group success in spoken conversation for edutainmentBernsen NOConference paperJ-C Martin et alProceedings of the LREC 2004 Satellite Workshop on Multimodal Corpora: Models of Human Behaviour for the Specification and Evaluation of Multimodal Input and Output Interfaces. Lisbon, Portugal, AprilParis: European Language Resources Association (ELRA)17-20Corpus annotation, evaluation criteria
2004 Conversational H. C. Andersen. First prototype descriptionBernsen NO, Charfuelàn M, Corradini A, Dybkjær L, Hansen T, Kiilerich S, Kolodnytsky M, Kupkin D, Mehta MConference paperAndré E, Dybkjær L, Minker W, Heisterkamp PProceedings of the tutorial and research workshop on affective dialogue systems (ADS04), Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 2004Springer Verlag LNAI 3068305-308Embodied conversational agent, multimodal systems
2004First prototype of conversational H.C. AndersenBernsen NO, Charfuelàn M, Corradini A, Dybkjær L, Hansen T, Kiilerich S, Kolodnytsky M, Kupkin D, Mehta MConference paperCostabile MFProceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2004), Gallipoli, Italy, May 2004New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)458-461Embodied conversational agent, multimodal systems
2004Domain-oriented conversation with H.C. AndersenBernsen NO, Dybkjær LConference paperAndré E, Dybkjær L, Minker W, Heisterkamp PProceedings of the tutorial and research workshop on affective dialogue systems (ADS04), Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 2004Springer Verlag LNAI 3068142-153Embodied conversational agent, multimodal systems
2004Evaluation of Spoken Multimodal ConversationBernsen NO, Dybkjær LConference paper-Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2004, Pennsylvania, USA, October 2004New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 200438-45Evaluation, multimodal systems, spoken dialogue
2004Structured interview-based evaluation of spoken multimodal conversation with H.C. AndersenBernsen NO, Dybkjær LConference paper-Proceedings of The International Conference for Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2004, South Korea, October 2004International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) 2004, Vol. 1277-280Evaluation, multimodal systems, spoken dialogue
2004Managing domain-oriented spoken conversationBernsen NO, Dybkjær LConference paperPelachaud C, Ruttkay Z, Thorisson KProc's of the 3rd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AMAAS), Workshop on Embodied Conversational Agents: Balanced Perception and Action, New York, July-9-17Spoken dialogue systems, dialogue management
2004 Evaluating conversation with Hans Christian AndersenBernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kiilerich SConference paperLino MT et alProceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), Lisbon, Portugal, May 2004Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Vol. 31011-1014Evaluation, multimodal systems, spoken dialogue
2004Towards believable behavior generation for embodied conversational agentsCorradini A, Bernsen NO, Fredriksson M, Johanneson L, Königsmann J, Mehta MConference paper-Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2004), Workshop on Interactive Visualisation and Interaction Technologies, IV&IT 2004, Krakow, Poland, June 2004Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3038, 2004946-953Embodied conversational agent, behaviour generation
2004 Towards general-purpose annotation tools - how far are we today?Dybkjær L, Bernsen NOConference paperLino MT et alProceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'04), Lisbon, Portugal, 2004Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Vol. 1197-200Corpus annotation
2004Recommendations for Natural Interactivity and Multimodal Annotation SchemesDybkjær L, Bernsen NOConference paperMartin J-C et alProc's of the Fourth Int'l Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), Workshop on Multimodal Corpora: Models of Human Behaviour for the Specification and Evaluation of Multimodal Input and Output Interfaces. Lisbon, Portugal, May Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA) 5-8Corpus annotation
2004New challenges in usability evaluation. Beyond task-oriented spoken dialogue systemsDybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Minker WConference paper-Proceedings of The International Conference for Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2004, South Korea, October 2004International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) 2004, Vol. 32261-2264
2004Usability Evaluation of Multimodal and Domain-Oriented Spoken Language Dialogue SystemsDybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Minker WConference paperLino MT et alProceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'04), Lisbon, Portugal, May 2004Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Vol. 51695-1698Usability, evaluation, multimodal systems, spoken dialogue systems
2004A visual interface for a multimodal interactivity annotation tool. Design issues and implementation solutionsKolodnytsky M, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær LConference paperCostabile MFProceedings of the Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2004), Gallipoli, Italy, May 2004New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)407-410Corpus annotation
2003An Interface for Annotating Natural InteractivityBernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky MBook chaptervan Kuppevelt J, Smith RWCurrent and New Directions in Discourse and DialogueDordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers 200335-62Corpus annotation, natural interaction
2003 On-line user modelling in a mobile spoken dialogue systemBernsen NOConference paperBourlard HProceedings of Eurospeech 2003, 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2003Bonn: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), 2003, Vol. I737-740On-line user modelling, ubiquitous computing, spoken dialogue systems
2003 When H. C. Andersen is not talking backBernsen NOConference paperRist T, Aylet R, Ballin D, Rickel JProceedings of the Fourth International Working Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2003), Kloster Irsee, Germany, September 2003Springer Verlag 200327-30Embodied conversational agents, spoken dialogue systems
2003User modelling in the carBernsen NOConference paperBrusilovsky P, Corbett A, de Rosis FProceedings of the Ninth International Conference on User Modelling (UM2003), Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA, 2003Springer Verlag: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol. 2702, 2003378-382On-line user modelling, ubiquitous computing, spoken dialogue systems
2003The NITE Workbench for annotating natural interactive behaviourBernsen NO, Dybkjær L and Kolodnytsky MConference paperPaggio P, Jokinen K, Jönsson AProceedings of the First Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication, Elsinore, Denmark, September 2003CST, Copenhagen: Report 6, September 2003155-168Corpus annotation, natural interaction
2003A task and dialogue model independent dialogue managerCharfuelán C, Bernsen NOConference paperAngelova G, Bontcheva K, Mitkov R, Nicolov N, Nikolov NProceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP-2003), Borovets, Bulgaria, September 2003INCOMA, Shoumen, Bulgaria 200391-97Spoken dialogue systems, dialogue management
2003Best practice in natural and multimodal interactivity engineeringBernsen NO, Dybkjær LProject deliverable-European Human Language Technologies (HLT) project CLASS Natural and Multimodal Interactivity Deliverable D1.5 + 1.6. NISLab, Denmark: February 2003NISLab, Denmark: February 200327 ppNatural interaction, multimodal systems
2003Guidelines for the Creation of Natural Interactive and Multimodal Annotation SchemesDybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Knudsen MW, Joaquim Llisterri Mari­a Machuca, Jean-Claude Martin, Catherine Pelachaud, Montse Riera, Peter WittenburgProject deliverableDybkjær L, Bernsen NOUS National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies project ISLE Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Working Group Deliverable D9.2NISLab, Denmark: February 200336 ppCorpus annotation, natural interaction, guidelines
2003Introduction to and Summary of the Final Natural Interactive and Multimodal WG GuidelinesDybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Broeder D, Wittenburg PProject deliverable-US National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies project ISLE Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Working Group Deliverable D7.1NISLab, Denmark: February 200317 ppCorpus annotation, natural interaction, guidelines
2003Guidelines for the Creation of Natural Interactive and Multimodal Data ResourcesKnudsen MW, Bernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Hansen T, Mapelli V, Martin J-C, Paulsson N, Pelachaud C, Wittenburg PProject deliverable-US National Science Foundation/European Human Language Technologies project ISLE Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Working Group Deliverable D8.2NISLab, Denmark: February 200350 ppCorpus annotation, natural interaction, guidelines
2002--Book proceedingsvan Kuppevelt J, Dybkjær L, Bernsen NOProceedings of the International CLASS Workshop on Natural, Intelligent and Effective Interaction in Multimodal Dialogue Systems. Copenhagen, Denmark, June, 2002Odense: NISLab 2002158 ppNatural interaction, multimodal systems, spoken dialogue systems
2002 Multimodality in language and speech systems - from theory to design support toolBernsen NOBook chapterGranström B, House D, Karlsson IMultimodality in language and speech systemsKluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht93-148Modalities, multimodal systems, spoken dialogue systems
2002 The dialogue engineering life-cycleDybkjær L, Bernsen NOBook chapterRenate Pajusalu and Tiit HennosteCatcher of the Meaning. A Festschrift for Professor Haldur Õim on the occasion of his 60th birthdayUniversity of Tartu: Publications of the Department of General Linguistics 3, 2002103-125Spoken dialogue systems
2002Speech-related Technologies. Where will the field go in 10 years?Bernsen NOConference paper-Proceedings of the Machine Translation Roadmap Workshop (TMI-2002), Keihanna, Japan, 2002Utrecht: The European Language and Speech Network (ELSNET), 200229-47Speech technologies
2002A multimodal virtual co-driver's problems with the driverBernsen NO, Dybkjær LConference paperDybkjær L, André E, Minker W, Heisterkamp PCD-ROM Proceedings of the ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW) on Spoken Dialogue in Mobile Environments, Kloster Irsee, GermanyBonn, Germany: International Speech Communication Association 2002-Spoken dialogue systems, ubiquitous computing, usability
2002The NITE workbench. A tool for annotation of natural interactivity and multimodal dataBernsen NO, Dybkjær L, Kolodnytsky MConference paper-Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'02), Las Palmas, Canary Islands, 2002-43-49Corpus annotation, natural interaction
2002Data, annotation schemes and coding tools for natural interactivityDybkjær L, Bernsen NOConference paper-Proceedings of the International Conference for Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2002, Denver, CO, USA, 2002-217-220Corpus annotation, natural interaction
2002Data Resources and Annotation Schemes for Natural Interactivity: Purposes and NeedsDybkjær L, Bernsen NOConference paper-Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimodal Resources and Multimodal Systems Evaluation, adjacent to the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002), Las Palmas, Canary Islands, 2002-1-7Corpus annotation, natural interaction
2002Natural interactivity resources. Data, annotation schemes and toolsDybkjær L, Bernsen NOConference paper-Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002), Las Palmas, Canary Islands, 2002-349-356Corpus annotation, natural interaction
2002Advanced tools for the study of natural interactivitySoria C, Bernsen NO, Cadée, Carletta J, Dybkjær L, Evert S, Heid U, Isard A, Kolodnytsky M, Lauer C, Lezius W, Noldus LPJJ, Pirrelli V, Reithinger, N, Vogele AConference paper-Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002), Las Palmas, Canary Islands, 2002-357-363Corpus annotation, natural interaction
2002 The NITE markup frameworkDybkjær L, Bernsen NO, Carletta J, Evert S, Kolodnytsky M, O'Donnell TProject deliverable-European Research Project NITE deliverable D2.2NISLab, Denmark41 ppCorpus annotation, natural interaction
2002Survey of Multimodal Annotation Schemes and Best PracticeKnudsen MW, Martin J-C, Dybkjær L, Ayuso MJMN, Bernsen NO, Carletta J, Kita S, Heid U, Llisterri J, Pelachaud C, Poggi I, Reithinger N, van ElsWijk G, Wittenburg PProject deliverableKnudsen MW, Martin J-C, Dybkjær LNSF/HLT project ISLE Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Working Group Deliverable D9.1NISLab, Denmark: March 2002122 ppCorpus annotation, natural interaction
2002Survey of Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Data Resources, Current and Future User Profiles, Markets and User NeedsKnudsen MW, Martin J-C, Dybkjær L, Berman S, Bernsen NO,van Elswijk G, Heid U, Kita S, Mapelli V, Martin J-C, Paulsson N, Pelachaud C, Poggi I, Wittenburg PProject deliverableKnudsen MW, Martin J-C, Dybkjær LNSF/HLT project ISLE Natural Interactivity and Multimodality Working Group Deliverable D8.1NISLab, Denmark365 ppCorpus annotation, natural interaction