
Niels Ole Bernsen

Niels Ole Bernsen

Niels Ole Bernsen was trained as a philosopher and wrote several books on knowledge and the philosophy of mind, including a book on cognitive situations for which he was awarded the "big" doctorate (dr.phil.) in 1978.

Working in the European Commission in Brussels 1986-1989, he formed a European network tasked with forecasting the future of the emerging field of cognitive science, which the participants did in a series of books published by Lawrence Erlbaum, and helped create and launch the EU's first programme in basic research, ESPRIT Basic Research in Microelectronics, Computer Science, AI and Cognitive Science. As twice-awarded Research Council Professor in cognitive science, he founded and directed the Center for Cognitive Science at Roskilde University, Denmark, 1990-1997.

By 1997, the center's research profile had become one of understanding and constructing multimodal interaction and making it usable, so when moving to Odense University (Denmark) as professor in 1997, he founded the Natural Interactive Systems Laboratory, or NISLab, which he directed at the University until he left in 2007, turning NISLab into a private organisation.

He has been a participant in, or leader of, some 26 EU research projects and networks of excellence, and is (co-)author of about 600 publications - books, papers and reports.